i. expulsion

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Kiara Black was no stranger to trouble. She'd been in it enough in her life to know when she was either in slight trouble that could be fixed, or when she had pushed it too far and ended up in the deep end.

Growing up in a small house with three other siblings had never done much for her trouble making tendencies and sometimes short temper but after her mother had died from a fatal car accident when she was younger, her older sisters had moved out rather quickly. Kiara wished she didn't resent them for leaving her with her twin brother and father, but she was sure a piece of her would always hurt with how easily they upped and left.

Her father had always told her how her mother almost passed out with shock when she found out she was pregnant for the second time with another set of twins. Since twins didn't run in either of her or her husband's families, it was a surprise that no-one could have predicted. While Rachel and Rebecca had came out as the perfect pair - almost identical, joint at the hip and always looking out for each other, the same couldn't be said about Kiara and Jacob.

Billy remembered how close the younger twins were before the death of their mother but after that they stopped seeing eye to eye on most things. While there always would be a lot of love between Jacob Black and Kiara Black, it was almost easy for many on the reservation to forget they were even related from how little time they seemed to spend with each other.

Jacob had his own friend group at the school on the reservation and so did Kiara. He was friends with Quil Ateara and Embry Call - two people that Kiara gladly spent very little time around. She had no interest in their childish antics, and no interest in hanging around fixing cars all day and every day like the trio did together. Kiara instead spent her time with a different group - mostly in the years above her.

That was where her addiction to trouble started. One of the older boys in the group had taken her under his wing, while her short temper almost rivalled his. Paul Lahote was two years above her but his group of friends had not seen any issue with bringing Kiara into their friend group since it was a mix of ages anyway. They spent a lot of time making fun of Samuel Uley and his strange friendship with their old friend Jared Cameron who had quite literally dropped off the earth weeks before and suddenly turned up again with ridiculously short hair and an obviously brand-new tattoo on his shoulder that Kiara had noticed on the Uley man before.

It was all fun and games until Paul did the same. Next thing she knew, her friend Kim had stopped hanging out with them too and was now sitting at a new table that consisted of Jared, Paul and herself every lunch. The boys would walk past her in the corridor as if they were nothing more than strangers, and Paul had stopped replying to her text messages.

If Kiara Black was someone different, she'd maybe have gotten upset and confronted the boys and Kim about their sudden changes in behaviour. But she was a Black, and if her older sisters had taught her anything before they moved out of the small town, it was that she should never settle for anything but the best. So she deleted their numbers, donated their sweaters that she had borrowed to the local thrift stores and poured milk into Paul's locker.

The last thing obviously didn't go down well and was the very reason that she was sitting in silence in the passenger seat of her brother's car, trying to keep up her unbothered facade as they pulled into the drive of their small house. 

She'd been in trouble a lot, but she never expected that the school would actually expel her. Turns out Sam Uley must have had not just Paul and Jared under his weird trance, but he obviously had enough power to sway the principal to get her removed from school as she was apparently "harassing" Paul knowing that he has anger issues. She wasn't sure where that accusation came from since all she had done was put a little bit of spoilt milk in his locker on one occasion but she was aware that she was on her final straw at the school anyway.

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