xxxvii. forevermore after that

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As Kiara and Rosalie entered the Cullen household for the last time that night, the air was filled with the sweet aroma of the fresh wedding flowers, and the slightly harsher aroma of the alcohol that had been consumed by the guests during the evening reception. Everyone had finally left, including the rest of the Cullens who had headed straight for the forest to hunt for the rest of the evening.

Jasper and Alice had been the first to leave, the former having done so well throughout the night but needing some fresh air now that the guests had all dispersed. Esme and Carlisle had followed shortly after, while Emmett and Beverly were the last to leave. Beverly had told Kiara and Rosalie they wouldn't be back until the next day, causing Emmett to send a rather suggestive wink in her direction. He had promptly received a harsh elbow to the ribs from his wife.

The silence of the house was broken only by the soft clicking of their heeled feet on the wooden floors, soon turning into barefoot shuffles as Kiara kicked her heels off as she crashed on to the couch (while Rosalie, of course, gracefully took hers off and left them at the coat rack at the front of the room). She moved to start the fireplace, before cozying up beside Kiara on the sofa.

"I can't even imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't met you," Kiara whispered, her breath hot against Rosalie's ear as they lounged on the sofa. The fireplace crackled as the soft amber glow reflected against their skins, Rosalie lightly running her hand through Kiara's hair as they snuggled up.

Rosalie smiled at her, moving her hand to tuck a strand of Kiara's hair behind her ear, smiling as she moved so that her lips were hovering just over hers. She smiled as she lightly pecked Kiara's lips, closing her eyes for a second as she just wished that she had been given a vampiric gift of pausing time - just so she could stay in this moment forever.

"I feel the same way, love. It's like everything I ever wanted and needed in life was all wrapped up in you..." Rosalie murmured against Kiara's lips, feeling a warmth run through her as Kiara beamed back at her. Kiara turned her head slightly, and their lips met in a searing kiss this time. It was a kiss born of passion, love, and gratitude for the world that had brought them together.

Their fingers played, twining together like the intricate branches of the pine trees outside. The world seemed to slow around them, nature's gentle hum soothing their nerves.

"I've never felt like this before," Kiara admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "With anyone else, it was...easy to compartmentalise, to keep a distance, but with you, it's like I can't help but be all in. And I know that it's easy to say that it's all the imprint... but Rose... I felt like this before I had even learned about this side of life."

"You, Kiara Black, have been the best surprise I have ever had in my entire life - immortal and human," Rosalie whispered back, the crackling of the fire almost overshadowing the admission from the vampire.

Kiara's eyes glistened as she felt her heart soar, a thick blush creeping on her cheeks as she stared longingly into Rosalie's eyes. She knew the imprint played a huge part in her feelings, but she knew that the love that she held for the vampire would have been there even if she hadn't been a shapeshifter. She loved Rosalie. Like, loved with a ridiculously intensely fire that she was sure would burn entire villages and send chiefs to their knees. Loved her like a tsunami wave that crashed through entire countries. Loved her with the entire strength of a natural disaster, but with so much purity and light.

"I love you Rosalie Hale," Kiara said, her voice barely above a whisper as she squeezed Rosalie's hand. "I'll love you forever."

"I love you too, Kiara Black," Rosalie said, her voice light and raspy as she felt venom tears pool in her eyes. "And I'll love you until the end of eternity and forevermore after that."

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