xxx. burnings

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The cold morning air swept through the clearing, as Bella found herself on the isolated outskirts of the battlefield. It was deadly silent, and she couldn't help but frantically flicker her eyes between the two wolves and Edward, who were all deadly quiet as they watched the battle play out in their heads. She'd never liked being a fly on the wall, and this certainly wasn't any different. Her eyes overanalysed every movement they made, any sound that escaped their lips. From small snarls to Edward's mutterings of annoyance about Jasper doing too much at once, there was so much chaos that she just couldn't hear. 

Then just like that, Edward's mind was cut off from the battlefield, leaving him momentarily disoriented. He blinked, trying to regain his bearings, but the sense of unease grew as he realized that Seth and Kiara, too, had frozen in place. That scent... they all knew it too well at this point.

His eyes met Seth's, and in that brief moment, an unspoken understanding passed between them. With a tense look, Edward opened his mouth to order Seth to go, and without hesitation, Seth bolted away from the campsite, his wolf form a blur in the darkness. Kiara stayed put despite Edward's pleas, the girl instead shifting back into her human form and pulling on one of the spare sets of clothes at the side of the tent.

Bella's worry was palpable as she spoke, "Someone's hurt?"

Edward was more focused on how Kiara had just changed back from her safer form and into her human skin. He turned to face her with a deep scowl on his face, now aware that he was going to have to keep an eye on her too unless she shifted back.

"What the hell are you doing?" He spat, venom almost dripping from his lips as he noticed how Kiara was still in a defensive stance. "Shift back!"

Before he could say anything else, the crunch of a branch from the opposite side of the clearing caused his fight or flight instincts to kick in and instantly move to protect Bella without thought. He moved with preternatural speed, guiding Bella behind him against a cliff wall. With a swift, defensive stance, he positioned himself as a barrier between her and any potential danger. His senses were alert, his gaze scanning the surrounding area, as he listened intently to the sounds of the battlefield.

Edward didn't have time to answer before he heard the faint but distinct rustling of leaves nearby once more. His eyes narrowed as he focused on the direction of the sound. "She's close," he said quietly, his voice low but tense. "I can hear her thoughts. She knew we weren't there, but she caught my scent. Kiara, I swear..."

"It's not just her," Kiara breathed, her eyes meeting a red of crimson ones across the clearing and instantly feeling her stomach churn a little. Their suspicions had been right all along - Riley Biers was standing in front of her and had been working with Victoria this entire time.

The tension was palpable as Riley emerged from the shadows of the woods, catching Bella off guard. She recognized him immediately, the boy Kiara had a Summer fling with from the posters her father had shown her, now a pawn in Victoria's deadly game. Riley cautiously edged closer, his eyes locked onto every move Edward made, unsure of his next step. Bella and Edward maintained a cautious stance, anticipating the unfolding confrontation.

"Riley... Listen to me," Edward spoke firmly, attempting to reason with the conflicted boy. "Victoria is just using you to distract me. But she knows I'll kill you." Riley hesitated, surprised to be directly addressed by Edward. The weight of the situation hung heavy in the air as Edward continued, "In fact, she'll be glad she doesn't have to deal with you anymore."

Suddenly, Victoria emerged from the depths of the woods, completing a tense circle with Riley, Kiara, Bella, and Edward at its perimeter. Her presence exuded a mix of danger and malevolence, instilling fear in Bella's heart. Victoria was quick to refute Edward's words, aiming to manipulate Riley back to her side.

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