xxxix. the art of imprinting on vampires

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The soft hues of the setting sun painted the room in a warm, golden glow as Rosalie and Kiara lay intertwined on the plush bed. Rosalie's ceiling-to-floor windows framed the sky like a masterpiece, casting long shadows against her workbench that danced across the room. The tranquility of the moment enveloped them, a sanctuary from the bustling world outside.

Kiara's fingers traced lazy patterns on Rosalie's arm, her touch a gentle reassurance of their shared reality. The delicate hum of contentment hung in the air, and Kiara revelled in the simplicity of this moment – the stillness broken only by the hushed whispers of leaves rustling in the evening breeze. 

"What are you thinking about?" Rosalie muttered, her eyes lazily flickering to stare at Kiara who was now pressing light kisses along her shoulder as they lay in rays of the setting sun that bathed the room.

Kiara's heart swelled with a quiet joy as she stole glances at Rosalie. Her imprint's profile was bathed in the soft light, revealing the tranquility etched across her features. The wolf marveled at the way the sunset painted Rosalie's hair with hues of amber, creating a halo around her that matched the warmth in Kiara's chest. She looked ethereal, Kiara mused, a small twitch in her lips as she wondered how she could be that lucky.

"Just how lucky I am," Kiara murmured gently, a twinkle in her eyes. "To exist in the same timeline as you."

The symphony of their friends' laughter and conversation downstairs served as a distant melody, a reminder of the world beyond their cocoon. But in this room, all that mattered was the present – the soft breathing of Rosalie beside her, the intertwining of their fingers, and the unspoken promise of shared tomorrows.

"I'd have waited for you," Rosalie told her, a gentle smile on her face as she gazed back at her. "For eternity."

"I know," Kiara replied, her cheeks heating up as she blushed. Rosalie laughed as Kiara groaned, trying to hide her now red cheeks with her hands as she found herself getting more embarrassed at the way she blushed from one simple comment from Rosalie. "Shut up."

The scent of Rosalie's perfume hung in the air, a fragrant reminder of the moments they had shared. Kiara closed her eyes, allowing the aroma to transport her to memories of stolen kisses and whispered confessions. It was a scent that encapsulated the essence of their love, a fragrance that defined the sanctuary they had built together.

A gentle breeze swept through the room, causing the curtains to sway in a graceful dance. The cool touch of Rosalie's skin was a contrast to the warmth radiating from Kiara, the reminder of how they naturally balanced each other out. Kiara rolled away from Rosalie, causing the blonde vampire to chuckle at her childish actions.

From downstairs, Bree and Seth could be heard giggling with each other, causing Kiara to smile at the sound. They only seemed to be getting closer and closer, and she liked the fact that Jacob's words on the beach a few days prior hadn't clouded Seth's stance on his friendship with Bree. The vampire was still getting used to life as an immortal, and Seth was taking it much better than Kiara had expected.

After all, it was only a few months ago that Bree even learned that vampires could step foot into the daylight - something that had broken Esme's heart when she realised that Bree had pretty much spent almost every minute of her second life in darkness until she met the Cullens. Her eyes were getting more and more golden by the day, and Kiara was sure that they would be gold by the time Bella and Edward returned from their honeymoon.

"Not long until the lovebirds are back," Kiara said to Rosalie as she pulled her sneakers back on, having checked the time on the clock and realising that her and Seth needed to leave now or they wouldn't make it back in time for the pack bonfire that night. She'd spent the better part of the afternoon being studied by Carlisle as he examined her healing vampire bites, much to Rosalie's disapproval. Kiara didn't mind it though, she was just as curious about it as Carlisle was.

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