xlvii. she's awake

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As the sunlight fluttered through the blinds, Kiara smiled as she noticed Rosalie standing across the room, staring out of the window in deep thought. She sat up in the bed, propping herself up on her elbows as she watched the love of her life shimmer as the sun hit against her skin.

Kiara couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this moment. It was as if time had paused just for them, allowing them to bask in the warmth of the sun and the warmth of each other's company. She wondered if this was how every day of the rest of her life would feel, as long as she woke up alongside Rosalie. An eternity just like this... well, that didn't sound so bad at all.

"Morning beautiful," Kiara said in a soft tone, still admiring Rosalie from afar. "What's on your mind?"

Rosalie turned to face her, a small smile forming on her lips as she walked towards the bed. Her concerned face shifted to one of complete relief, something that caused Kiara to scrunch her nose a little - unsure why Rosalie looked so delighted that she was awake. Sure, it was nice to see her imprint was overjoyed to see her, but certainly a little strange.

"You're awake," Rosalie breathed, sitting down on the edge of the bed as she brushed a single strand of hair away from Kiara's face. Kiara giggled, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to Rosalie's lips, sighing in contentment as she pulled back and looked at her golden eyes.

"You seem surprised," Kiara joked, her smile falling a little as Rosalie didn't laugh. "Why are you surprised?"

Rosalie lifted a hand, pulling the crew-neck hem of Kiara's t-shirt a little as she looked at the red mark that was resting just above her collarbone. Kiara's fingers lifted, running the tips gently along the mark with a small smile on her face as she realised that it must have been still very apparent, if the way that Rosalie was staring at it gave any indication.

"I bit you," Rosalie whispered, her voice so quiet that Kiara was sure she would have missed it even with her supernatural hearing had she not been looking right at her. "How are you okay?"

"It didn't hurt," Kiara replied, rolling her eyes as she wondered if Rosalie had never given someone a hickey before. Kiara was quite fond of giving them, and it was the one thing that she was sure she would miss - not being able to leave a little hickey on Rosalie's vampire skin. Although, she was sure that Rosalie preferred that since Emmett wouldn't be able to find another thing to tease the blonde about. "These things happen?"

Kiara knew that Rosalie was concerned about the fact she'd bit her, since she'd been there when it happened. Rosalie had realised seconds after her teeth had broken Kiara's skin, springing apart and almost crashing into the wall on the opposite side of the room as her fingers moved to her lips and touched the single drop of blood that was resting on them. She hadn't swallowed it - Kiara had instead sprung straight up with a tissue from the bedside cabinet and wiped it off before Rosalie even had time to think about it.

She wasn't about to let Rosalie taste blood when she knew it was one thing her imprint never wanted to do. Kiara had prevented it before, and she'd do so for as long as they both lived. Rosalie had been scared to go near her for a few moments after that, Kiara reassuring her that it didn't hurt and that it would heal by morning with her enhanced healing. It had definitely ruined the mood that they'd created, and instead Kiara had found herself snuggling up with Rosalie and placing gentle kisses on her face until the wolf had drifted off to sleep.

Now, it was clear to see that the mark still remained despite Kiara being sure that it would have faded by morning. Kiara could feel Rosalie's eyes on her skin as she moved, her fingers coming up to rest gently against the red mark once more and tracing a few circles around it until Rosalie was finally satisfied that it didn't hurt Kiara to touch it.

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