xlviii. loch ness monster

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"You imprinted on my daughter?" 

Bella's voice trembled with a mixture of disbelief and anger, her eyes narrowing at Jacob. Kiara followed the rest of the family outside, her eyes darting between her brother and the newborn, having seen the sheer strength that she now possessed when she'd thrown Jacob down the stairs.

"It wasn't my choice!" Jacob yelled back, his eyes flickering to where Rosalie was standing behind Kiara with Renesmee wrapped in her arms. He knew that the baby was safe with the family, but it wasn't really Renesmee that he was worried about this time - it was himself as he looked at the thunderous look on Bella's face.

"She's a baby!" Bella's voice rose, a mixture of horror and protectiveness evident in her tone.

Jacob shook his head, his eyes pleading for understanding as he looked at Edward, who was certainly more smug than necessary but they all knew that this was just the vampires revenge for the wolf's constant meddling with his relationship. 

"It's not like that! You think Edward would let me live if it was?"

"I'm still debating it." Edward, standing at a distance, interjected with that same smug grin on his face as his eyes flickered back to Kiara who was now toying with stepping in if it turned violent. Jacob would be fine.

"I've held her once! One time, Jacob!" Bella continued to yell, slowly moving down the stairs in an offensive position. Kiara felt her spine tingle a little, her inner wolf uneasy as the vampire angrily approached a member of her pack (even though she did think Jacob deserved it a little...). "And already you think that you have some moronic wolfy claim on her? She's mine!"

Without warning, Bella's hand shot forward, striking Jacob hard across the chest. The force of the blow echoed through the forest, leaving a stunned silence in its wake as Jacob stumbled backwards and to the ground, causing Kiara to bristle and the smile to be wiped from her face. As Jacob hit the ground, Leah and Seth, in their formidable wolf forms, emerged from the shadows with low growls and whimpers at the sight.

"Bella," Kiara grumbled, the other Cullens turning to look at her as they almost felt the authority seep from her voice. The newborn made no acknowledgement of the alpha, instead continuing to advance towards Jacob.

"It's fine, Leah," Jacob reassured, his eyes only leaving Bella's furious gaze to look at his sister over her shoulder for a moment to reassure her too. "Kie, it's okay."

"You're gonna stay away from her," Bella declared, her voice cold and determined.

"You know I can't do that," Jacob replied, his own resolve unwavering.

In response, Bella unleashed another powerful punch, this time targeting Jacob's stomach. He crumpled to the ground once more, the impact causing a low growl to escape from Seth's wolf form this time. 

"Stop her, Edward," Esme implored, but Edward merely observed, a conflicted expression crossing his face.

"He said it's fine. She's amazing, right?" Edward attempted to diffuse the tension, his gaze fixed on Bella, as he grinned at his wife. Kiara shook her head, moving down the stairs despite Rosalie's low grumble of disapproval at the action.

Leah and Seth moved to stand beside Jacob, their low snarls showing that they didn't appreciate Bella's advances towards their pack mate. They hadn't seen vampire Bella yet, and this wasn't the ideal introduction that Kiara had been hoping for. 

"Do you remember how much you wanted to be around me three days ago? That's gone now, right?" Jacob's words were strained, the pain evident in his voice.

"Long gone," Bella spat, her anger still burning fiercely.

"Because it was her. From the beginning, it was Nessie who wanted me there," Jacob explained, his gaze shifting to the innocent cause of the turmoil. Kiara felt her shoulders almost slump at the nickname, knowing that there was a time and a place for that, and this certainly wasn't it. She knew Bella was going to be furious - and the way she tensed her body just proved that she was right.

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