vi. greenhouse

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"So, I'll pick you up at three?"

"Three forty-five," Kiara corrected the boy as they sat in his car outside of Forks High, already noticing that her friends were looking at the mysterious new car in interest. "Please don't make a scene. I didn't even want to agree to this to begin with and everyone already thinks we were like... a thing."

Paul Lahote smiled at her across the car as he tugged at his tight sweatshirt, obviously uncomfortable with wearing it for whatever reason. His car was his baby, his prized possession. He'd put in so much overtime at his previous job to be able to afford it - only to now know that he much preferred running on all fours as his mode of transport. However, that was top secret and Kiara was not to know about that just yet.

Sam had told them not to inform her about the actual wolf pack, but rather to explain they weren't in a cult and were actually working with Sam and the elders to help keep the La Push reservation safe. Paul and Jared had told her that they were essentially park rangers and the reason they were gone from school for so long was because of the training and the tattoos were just a fun and very optional choice. She obviously didn't believe a word of it - and had convinced them to take a drug test that Chief Swan gladly provided her with the day after - but she didn't question them much more.

They had told her that Billy was desperate for her to take the offer of a car from Sam but she felt even less inclined to do so after discovering that Sam was not some rich, drug dealer. Last time she refused it was because of his job and this time she was refusing because it appeared to her that he didn't even have one to begin with. Instead, they had came to the compromise that Jared, Paul or Sam would drive her to and from school unless agreed otherwise.

She had politely (depending on your definition of polite) requested that Sam did not take part on these drop offs as she still wasn't entirely trusting of the man and was still very skeptical on his motives. She was not aware it was being done to try and prevent her time spent with the Cullens, but she did have her suspicions that the rumours about the family - that she still thought were absurd - had heavily influenced whatever motives they had.

"But you did agree," Paul teased her, stopping the engine and showing her that he was going to make a scene and he was going to enjoy doing do. "So I will enjoy making some lovely front page gossip headlines for you."

Kiara groaned as she smacked her head against the soft leather of his passenger seat, wanting the ground to swallow her up as he exited the car with his sunglasses on - despite the fact it wasn't even sunny - and came round to open the passenger door for her. She sighed as she considered grabbing on to the backpack at her feet, instead reaching out to grab on to the door handle before finding it was already in the process of being opened.

Rolling her eyes as she stepped out of the car, Kiara could feel all eyes on her in the parking lot as Paul smugly reached into the footwell of where she had been sitting, lifting her backpack from the ground before she could even think about doing so. His smug grin reminded Kiara of her previous life, back when Jared and Paul and her had been an inseparable partying trio - and she couldn't help but smile just a little as she pretended to be annoyed as she took the bag back from his hands.

Noticing how Jessica and the rest of her friends were all standing with their jaws dropped at the sight, she turned back to look at Paul with her eyes narrowed slightly as she waited for the older boy to go back to the driving seat of the car.

"You caused a scene," Kiara told him, the secret werewolf understanding that the last thing the girl had wanted was more attention brought to herself. He would have apologised, but hearing the angry mutters of the Cullen's at the sight of the wolf bringing her to school brought him too much joy to pass up on the opportunity to wind up his mortal enemies.

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