iii. twin bonding

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The last thing Embry Call expected was to open his front door in the middle of a thunderstorm to none other than Kiara Black, dripping wet from head to toe and a deep scowl etched on her face as she looked at the boy with an expression that he couldn't quite read.

"Hello?" Embry asked, not entirely sure why the girl that usually pretended he, Quil and Jacob didn't exist was now standing as if she was waiting to be welcomed into his home. He was actually surprised that she even remembered where he lived, since the trio of boys hadn't spent time with the girl at his house for at least six years.

"Is Jake here?" Kiara asked, stepping under the cover of the porch as she tried to peer over Embry's shoulder to look into his house. The boy furrowed his eyebrows slightly, feeling a little invaded but knowing that something must have been up for two reasons. The first being that Kiara never came to see her brother or his friends, and the second being that she had referred to her brother by his nickname - something she only did in rare circumstances.

Embry nodded, moving aside with little hesitation and motioning for her to come in. She smiled thankfully at him, maybe the most genuine she had been to the boy in years. He shut the door behind her, instantly noting how she was dripping water on to the wooden floor and looked uncomfortable at that fact.

"Eh, you can take your coat and shoes off and just leave them there," Embry muttered awkwardly, feeling the tension rise now that the girl was just standing there quietly as she did as he offered, looking around and seeing that nothing in the house seemed to have changed since she was there last.

Kiara used to love being at Embry's house. His mom made the best chocolate brownies, and the four of them would always be found in the yard as they played with a scabby football that Embry's mother had given him when he was younger. The boy had never known his father, but that didn't matter to him when he had his three best friends to play with instead.

Over time, Kiara had drifted from the boys as they all became more interested in fixing up cars and bikes while she had been significantly more interested in hanging out with Paul Lahote and Jared Cameron's friends, going to parties and getting drunker than the other three had ever gotten combined. Her trouble-making traits had become well known throughout the La Push reservation, and it was no surprise that Tiffany Call had been somewhat relived that she was no longer influencing the boys and rather out with the older teens.

"Kiara Black? Is that you?"

Kiara turned with a sheepish smile as Tiffany Call entered the hallway, her eyes wide with surprise as she noticed the drenched girl. She hadn't seen her in years, and it was a shock to her system to see a fully grown Kiara Black standing in her hallway as if the past six years had never happened. While she was glad that the girl had drifted from the boys when her trouble making habits had started, she knew that Kiara was acting out to help cope with losing her mother - and to some extent her sisters since they liked to almost pretend that La Push and their little sister didn't exist. Tiffany Call would be lying if she said that she didn't care about the Black girl, and seeing her turn up on the door step covered in rainwater and mascara streaming down her face set her mom instincts into full force.

Within two minutes, Tiffany had given the girl a set of dry clothes to wear while she attempted to dry the ones that Kiara had been wearing. Kiara had told her it was fine and that she didn't want to be any hassle but Tiffany had demanded that she get into new clothes before she got hypothermia since they all knew that none of them would be able to afford the hospital bill if that happened. Kiara had smiled after a moment, thanking her gently before heading back downstairs to where she knew Jacob, Quil and Embry would be in the basement.

Growing up, Embry's basement had always fascinated her. It was one of the only houses on the res that had a basement since most were more cabin lodge based buildings. They'd spent much of their preteen years in that basement, since Embry had pretty much declared it was his room once he turned 11. Tiffany couldn't say no to his pleadings and eventually gave in, moving his bed into the room and turning his room into their laundry room instead.

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