Not a Chapter

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I don't like the direction this story is headed. I'l read over it, how my style changed halfway through and how I was missing so many plot points, we aren't even going to talk about the spelling and/or sudden and unexplained personality changes.

So I'm ditching this story and remaking it. A new direction, a new hook and a new appearance. I'll admit I cowed when thinking about a human form, I see all these other popular books do it and think I should try it when I have no idea what to do.

So I'm moving into a new direction, one with no romances (maybe) and a new person of affection. I looked and wondered for a while, read some stories and wondered...where is all the parental book? You know, the ones that show the MC being a total dad/mum? I want to try something like that, who knows? Maybe I'll work in a romance angle at a later stage but for now I don't think I can write such a thing without messing up and falling on my face.

Also, when I first made the story and revealed Carla was the love interest, dismayed that this wasn't a Yaoi(?) story I lost a lot of readers. That Levi chapter didn't really help since, despite labelling it as a potential one shot there was again some leaving. Personally I don't understand Yaoi stories, maybe it's an acquired taste or something but I don't like reading gay stories with the MC nor the idea of writing them so, sorry. I find it harder and harder to find a story that isn't gay, cause it's either in the tags or title, and it sucks especially hard if one doesn't find out until halfway through, forced to drop a really good book because the idea of a male love interest to a male MC bothers me.

Wow, that was a vent.

So yeah, my friend WyvernTyrant  eventually got tired of seeing me so unproductive with this story that you guys seem to like. So he kicked me into high gear, and thought aloud that I should reboot it.
To be honest this was rich coming from him, since he hasn't updated his own stories in ages, claiming that he was too busy and, he is, but still. Anyway, you should go wander onto his profile if your interested at all in a RWBY story because the two he made (unfinished of course) are pretty decent.

Anyway, sorry to trouble you guys, I'll start working on a reboot but here's a little clue that'll help you work out the direction this is going.

And yes, your still a big bad dragon. Only, your rather...

 Only, your rather

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AoT x Male Dragon Reader (Discontinued - Being Rebooted)Where stories live. Discover now