Short #4

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You blinked slowly at Hanji, E/C eyes staring through her own brown ones as you tilted your head and arched an eyebrow at the Titan-crazed girl.

"You know! UwU!"

She pursed her lips and closed her eyes as she said the strange sounding words, making you lean backwards away from her, weirded out more then usual by her antics.

"...Have you eaten anything in the past twenty four hours? Titan meat maybe?"

"Wha-?! No! Come on just say it! Once! Please!"

"Why do you even want me to say it?!"

"Because it's cute!"

"Dragons don't do cute!"

You snapped, teeth bared in annoyance and lack of patience, spinning on your bare heel and storming off as woman poured after you.


You stepped out of the bath, shaking yourself off and flapping your wings to air yourself out, sighing as you looked back up into the mirror with a yawn.


"What the fuck-?!"

You jumped back, tripping on the rug and falling back into the still full tub with a unbecoming yelp, quickly pulling yourself back up and growling at Hanji who was standing over you and smiling wildly.

"Say it!"



"Get out!"

She goes to open her mouth for a rebuttal, pausing and looking down at your groin with a perverted smile and a blush, giggling slightly and looking back up into your annoyed eyes as water dropped off you.

"That looks fun, no wonder Carla is limping every other day~"



"Hi Y/N~!"


You didn't even bother pulling your head off the table, tail motionless and lacking energy to even move as the mad woman stepped over it and sat beside you, Carla raising a brow curiously between you two as she sat just on the opposite side of the table.

"I'm guessing this is about that request of yours that has (Y/N) on edge?"

"Mh-hm! So? Will you say it?!"

You still didn't even flinch, much less intelligently respond as you grunted and felt her finger prodding your side and your cheek incessantly.

"Hanji please, he's exhausted."

Carla immediately came to your rescue, though it was for naught as the mad scientist shock her head firmly and tapped the side of your head, making your headache worse.

"Come on! One little wo-"


Both women froze, blinking in apparent surprise at the sudden sound that escaped your lips. They blinked once, twice, then thrice before looking at each other and squealing as Carla reached over and pulled your face up, your tired and defeated eyes meeting hers which only made the embarrassment of defeat worse.

"That was so cute!"

"Ha! I thought dragons didn't do cute~!"

"Cute? If you though that was cute Hanji, then you wouldn't believe the stuff I can get him to do for me! He practically melts when I give him just a kiss-!"

Both of them started sharing stories and scheming of ways to not only to shatter your dragon's pride, but also scatter it to the wind.



-Relationship advice from a dragon?-

"...You hate me don't you?"


"And your asking me for...advice?"


"About getting a mate?"


You blinked, (E/C) flicking to the stone face of the emotionless girl in front of you, frowning slightly before your wings flapped in restlessness and you sighed.

"Alright fine, but we do this my way."

Mikasa allowed a small glare to focus on you, examining your for any sign of...something, before sighing and nodding I'm reluctant agreement.


"Good, let's get started..."


"One-two-three, one-two-three, one-two-three."

Mikasa never thought she'd see something as amazing as Eren's Titan form, or your True Form. But she was, the sight of your vaguely human body swaying to the music in the background, a shocking display of finesse, dexterity and elegance.

"Now, come on then."

The girl hesitated for a moment before taking your hand, gasping as she was taken onto the floor. Her stance was terrible, awkward and uncomfortable as you sighed and rolled your eyes, breathing impatiently through your nose.

"Follow my lead."

She slowly followed after you, more like walking then dancing as your twirled, her foot coming down particularly hard and stomping on your tail.

You flung your tail up, flicking her off her feet as you jumped back and cried out in pain and surprise with a glare at the girl.

"That's not following my lead that's fucking up my tail!!!"


"The next thing you need to do is withstand the worse possible torture, something that makes your blood curl and your body shrivel..."


"No, something worse..."

You bowed your head and sighed, glancing up at Mikasa who's eyes had widened slightly in suspicion and caution, your wings unfolding from your back and suddenly punching the girl in the face.

Her eyes rolled back from the impact, pain flaring across her forehead as she careened backwards and fell unconscious against the desk behind her.

"Ahhhh, that felt nice."

"Did you have to do that in my office?"

You turned to Erwin, looking none to impressed as he gave you a flat look.

"Of course I did, its beneficial."


"...Let me come up with an excuse later."


"The last thing you need to do is be there for him, always ready to kiss his human boo-boo's."


The girls facade broke for once, surprise and a light pink blush flaking over her cheeks as she shook her head quickly to try and dispel the affect.

"Yes, because he's going to get hurt in life and you need to be there to emotionally and physically support him, kissing his wounds right now."

And with that you turned, raise a fist, and promptly punched a soundly sleeping Eren in the dick.

AoT x Male Dragon Reader (Discontinued - Being Rebooted)Where stories live. Discover now