Chapter 22 - Mistakes

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Before you and the Garrison stood a half formed Titan skeleton, smoking as people started freaking out and started reloading their cannons at a order.

'Humans, seeking to destroy what they don't understand. It's natural of course but rather petty and annoying...Oh well, better save Carla's kids...and Armin I guess.' You thought after seeing the humans finished reloading, blowing smoke from your nose and walking directly in front of the two groups who were now staring at you in confusion and nervousness.

"I seriously hope you have the balls to shoot at me, I'm still pissed and looking for an excuse to kill someone." You announced with a growl, pulling your lip back to show your serrated fangs to the scared defenders. However he did genuinely surprise you as he shakily raised his arm to signal the cannon. "Huh...that's ne-"

Of course you couldn't react as the man threw his hand down, a deafening boom ringing in your ears as the solid ball of metal shot out of its casing, slamming into you and causing a small explosion as it kicked up dirt and smoke to effectively block everyone's view.

Eren and Armin looked on in shock that the Garrison has just shot, not just their instructor and superior but humanity's best and only asset, Mikasa widening her eyes in surprise as they strained to see through the smoke with the rest of the humans standing in stunned silence. Nobody moving, nobody breathing as they waited for the debris to clear.

They wouldn't be waiting long though as a vicious snarl shot across the courtyard, the sound of something unfolding before the dirt and smoke was blasted back into the humans numbers, each snapping their eyes shut and covering their mouths to prevent the sudden gust from blinding and chocking them. Only to cry out and panic as the closest people scrambled back away from the still standing dragon standing in the now cleared courtyard, totally unharmed and looking ready to strip the flesh off someone.

"Alright...Alright, I'll be the first to admit I didn't see that coming." You hissed, appropriately and positively pissed right off. "But you humans are surprising creatures, nothing but a bunch of filthy monkey degenerates..."

You slowly glanced around at the cowering and terrified humans as they stared slack jawed at you. "Now then...who was the forgettable deadman thought it was a great idea to shoot at a dragon?...Anyone want to push him out?...No? Oh well...Was it you?" You grinned, your eyes turning black with a faint purple dot igniting in them as you narrowed in on a trembling but scowling Garrison guard.

Nobody had the time of chance to react as a giant clawed hand morphed from the shadows behind him, clamping over his head where he started screaming and thrashing for all but a millisecond, as with twitch of your finger the hand crushed his head with no effort. Blood flowed down from the twitching corpse which was promptly thrown to the side along with the hand which dispersed back into nothing. Everyone could only watch in horror as you killed a man in less then a second, your sights now skimming through the petrified crowd looking for the one who tried to kill you, whoever he was.

"That was a warning, next time I won't be so merciful~" You purred, causing everyone's hair to stand up as your little memory tour was coming to an end with the every so slightly recognisable face donning a look of pure fear, the short white haired woman beside him frozen on the spot but you cared little about her. "Hello...Friend~"

Unfortunately your fun was severed by Pixis who just conveniently showed up, stepping between the humans and looking directly at you with a smile.

"(Y/n), I trust you aren't going to kill anymore of these men?" He hummed jovially, igniting the corpse that was flung into a wall a second ago and not turning to face his soldiers who stared in shock and fear.

You however looked more annoyed then shocked, hissing as your wings spread out further with the midnight scales absorbing the sun. "Only that cowardly shit there..." You muttered, pointing a very accusing claw at the trembling man behind Pixis who also turns to look at who put you in such a bad mood.

"Kitz Woermann?" The Garrison Leader exhaled, rising a brow at the timid man who managed to gather the will to order fire on a dragon. He stared and stayed quiet before Pixis grinned and took a swig of his flask. "Might have to promote you for having balls made of metal. Still, it wouldn't do much seeing as you never change. For a man your size, you're as delicate as a fawn."

You couldn't believe this, first you almost get blown up, kill the wrong guy and now Pixis is congratulating him...Fuck this, your going to lay on Carla's lap.

"Whatever, he's pathetic enough to die to a Titan anyway." You spat, spreading your wings out again before pausing and turning your head to look at the three cadets still staring in shock. "...Tch."

And with that you took off, kicking up a cloud of dust as you made your way to the wall where you left Carla. 'Pixis better have made sure she got through first, I'm not in the mood...' You growled silently, ignoring the people screaming for help on the roads and alleys before being silenced by the hungry mouths of the Titans.

Only to freeze upon hearing a familiar scream, eyes shooting to the left and spying the woman in question crying out for help as a lanky Titan on all fours slowly crawled towards her. Pure anger filling your veins as you rocketed to the head of the disgusting mess with a roar.

Pixis, your fucked if I see you.

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