The Wraith Dragon Wins

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Surprised?...not really. But yeah, Wraith Dragon won the vote so you are now officially this Beautiful motherfucker.

So let's go over your ability's and you readers choose what specific one's you want

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So let's go over your ability's and you readers choose what specific one's you want. Remember, you still breath fire but with the Wraith it'll be Purple flame's.

And please don't say 'this one' specify them.

1. Shadow Bond- Meld with the darkness to hide and ambush your enemies, or escape if it comes to it. You can also shape weapons and appendages with this power.

2. Night's Movement- Travel through shadow's to move yourself from place place to another almost instantaneously. Almost.

3. Dark Clone- Use the darkness to make a shadow version of yourself, either to distract an enemy or have twice as much fun in tearing them apart.

4. Fire Blitz- This is something all dragons have, it allows them to light themselves on fire and rampage.

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