Chapter 13 - Expect the Unexpected

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+Levi PoV+

The horses where thundering through the forest, following the sounds of combat and fierce roars. It was the Dragon, I was sure of it. The rest of the special operations squad and the Scouting Regiment was close behind as Erwin who rode beside me kept a straight and unsure expression. They were all wondering what I was planning as we got closer to the sounds. Before long we had entered a large field with a abandoned and ruined town in the middle.

But that isn't what caught my attention, it as the two monstrosity's battling near the town that got our attention. A series of gasps rose up among the scouts as we watched the spectacle, Erwin with his eye's wide and mouth agape as he laid eye's on the Dragon and mysterious Titan who were fighting.

Non of us could move as we watched, however Eld quickly identified movement in the ruined town as we broke of from the regiment to check it out while keeping a close eye on the battle.

As it turned out the movement was in fact woman, hiding in the remains of a house while watching the fight with fear and worry, but not for herself.

+No one's PoV+

"Are you alright?!" Petra asked as she dismounted the horse and ran up to the woman, who seemed surprised to see them. It's been months since Carla had seen another human, a live one at least so this was a shock to her.

"Y-yes, yes I'm fine." She quickly replied, slowly standing up as she then turned back to the fight. "Do you know what happened here?" Petra asked again, looking her over for possible injuries while some scouts and Erwin caught up with the Levi Squad.

"How is she?" Erwin asked, examining the makeshift home as he looked down at Carla. "She's fine, just a few bruises." Petra replied with a sigh as she slowly pulled Carla along.

"Wait! What about (y/n)?!" She yelled in sudden realization, slipping out of the elites hold as she spun back around to the Dragon and Titan.

'W-wait...(y/n)?!' Erwin thought in shock, whipping his head to the fight as his eye's widened in surprise. Carla bearing the same expression as the other scouts stared with a certain amount of fear.

The strange Titan had the Dragon's mouth open as it slowly proceeded to part his jaws even more, more then it should open up as it stared struggling to free itself.

Before any of us could react a sharp and sickening crack echoed around the clearing, the Dragon's eye's widening as it then glared at the Mystery Titan.

+(y/n) PoV+

To say you were surprised would be generous, you were positively stunned as the Titan's finger's where sliced clean off and the small human from your first encounter as his steel Greg eyes connected with yours.

It was easy to see he wasn't quite sure what he was doing exactly, but as soon as he left your field of vision you pushed forward and rammed the Titan with your strength and weight as it stumbled and fell with a large crash.

Before you could react though it again swung it's long arm and smacked you off it and into the cluster of Scouts who quickly dispersed, but some weren't as fortunate as their fragile bodies and the equines where crushed underneath you.

+No one's PoV+

During the confusion the Mystery Titan escaped the clearing with a hurry, not taking it's chances with the odds stacked against it.

Meanwhile, Carla had slipped away from the remainder of the Levi Squad as she'd come to a stop by the dazed beast's side. "(Y/n)?! Are you ok?!" She asked in concerns, the dragon huffing at her caring nature as it slowly got up with only a few dents in his scales to her relief.

Before she could continue though Levi and Erwin stepped up as she gave a startled gasp as their sudden appearance as the Dragon softly growled at them.

"We mean no ill intent! We only wish to talk." Erwin declared, Levi staring cautiously up at him as Hanji jumped up beside them and looked slightly excited if not careful at the Dragon before them.

They all waited with baited breath before his large and piercing purple eyes drifted down to Carla who nodded with a caring smile.

"...Fine humans...let's talk."

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