Chapter 12 - Monkey Business

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+(y/n) PoV+

A few weeks passed since my first interaction with the human woman, who's name I've learned is Carla Yeager and a mother to her son Eren and adopted daughter Mikasa. I've come to show some respect to her for the courage to speak to me and continuing to do so over the past weeks, she also seemed so amazed at the normal things I do, understandable I guess.

Even now we were talking about something she called a family, it was entirely foreign to me as I never had a family to be attached to, that I remember anyway. Aside from that I learned so many new things about the humans and her with our conversations, curiosity constantly rising with every question and answer between us. We never seemed to run out of things to say, it was strange in the least.

However, my attention was stolen as I heard a strange new presence in my territory.

+Carla's PoV+

It was strange at first to be talking with the Dragon I now can call (y/n), but before we could continue he suddenly turned to the side and growled. I was about to ask what was wrong before echoing stomps were heard and felt, making me sway a little as I looked in the same direction with some fear. I was no stranger to watching to him slaughter and eat Titan's, but this sounded bigger.

As if to answer my curiosity a large Titan covered in hair stomped out of the tree's and into the clearing. It was different, looking lost and tired, but still curious of (y/n) as the dragon rose and gave a ear shattering roar which I was somehow able to prepare for and block out. My ears still rung but that wasn't important as I managed to limp my way to a house I'd fixed up as best i could. Waiting until he dealt with the threat.

+(Y/n) PoV+

I glared at this new Titan, it was definitely different from he others, it was smart. This didn't stop it from approaching however, even after it was clearly affected by the deafening roar. You wouldn't stand for this, leaping into the skies as I circled the new threat before my eye's narrowed and diving down at it with my teeth bared.

((My first actual fight scene so feel free to criticize))

You were surprised when the Ape Titan swung a backwards fist at you, managing to connect with your armored head as you were flung to the side, creating a deep trench as your form slid along the earth.

You snarled in displeasure as you again charged at it, your shadows not of any use to you since it had come out into the field away from the tree's. This didn't deter you however, having leapt up and latched onto it's forearm as it rose to block, making you smirk as you twisted the arm which gave a loud snap as it now dangled useless in your maw.

You only realized you lingered however, too late to dodge as it's other fist connected with your stomach and sent you off it's arm and onto a empty house which collapsed under you. With no time to waste you had regained yourself and ran at the threat as it tired to intercept you, failing as it grabbed at thin air before it felt your weight on it's back and realized what you planned to do.

You where in the kill zone, knowing you won as you opened your jaws and lowered them down with a mighty crunch...


...only to realize too late it's hands, including the now healed arm, where keeping your jaws apart which was stopping you from biting into it's nape.

But then it started to slowly pull your jaws apart wider, and wider, wider then they should ever be. Your eyes on grew as you realized what it was doing, it was going to break your jaws.

AoT x Male Dragon Reader (Discontinued - Being Rebooted)Where stories live. Discover now