Chapter 11 - First words with a Dragon

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+(Y/n) PoV+

It's been a few months since I've taken this woman from inside the walled city, and on countless occasions she's tried talking to me with no success on her part. She still persisted though, it would've been admirable if not for the fact I couldn't care less.

Today alone she tried talking to me for the fifth time, and it was starting to annoy me, even if she was only the size of my claw...though...I haven't talked to someone in years...

+Carla's PoV+

I started up at the Dragon, my voice falling upon deaf ears as it ignored me. I sighed before looking down to my legs, wrapped tightly in now dirty green cloth as the bone was still healing, but at least I could feel my legs now and for that I was grateful.

I looked up again, fruitlessly trying to attempt another conversation with it before tensing up as I saw it was now staring at me. It wasn't an annoyed stare like all the other's it gave me, but rather a contemplating one. I waited a minute before it let out some breath, almost like a sigh before it straighted itself out.

It opens it's mouth, the razor teeth lining the inside not phasing me as it finally said something I could understand while my eye's widened at it's voice which sounded almost like a whisper, as if it hadn't been used in a long time.

"I am...(y/n)...Dragon...of the skies...who...are you?"

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