Chapter 20 - Colossal Problem

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Helping the Cadets on the wall, cleaning the cannons and overall enjoying each others company as they talked about each others future...yeah fuck that.

This exact reason is why your currently half alseep on Carla's lap, the human woman humming a gentle song as she picked at your wild (h/c) hair that perfectly framed your (e/c) serpentine eyes. Your wings tucked tightly agaisnt you and your tail swaying in tune with the song Carla was humming, honestly you felt like you where in pure heaven.

((Btw, if you haven't got the painfully obvious hints of your pairing. It's Carla. I mean...))

((You see?!?!))

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((You see?!?!))

"I should sleep in your lap more, lot's of positives." You sighed, reluctantly getting up and stretching as your wings fluttered out while the mother giggled at your comment.

Currently you where in the Garrison Headquarters with Carla, having ditched the Cadets in favor for your favorite human. Now admittedly you where quite fond of her, her gentle nature, calming presense and even a spark of sterness that means this woman won't take no shit from any guy.

Unknown to you however, Carla had very similar thoughts as she watched you raise up off her lap. Sure you are rough around the edges, but beneath all those scales was a kind natured person who'd do anything to protect those he'd love. And Carla was overjoyed to be with that part of him.

However it seems fate had other plans for your little enjoyment as everything quickly went quiet and appeared to slow down, the birds muted, happy smiles and talking in the square and had disappeared and been replaced by an eerie silence.

You however were unaffected by this, glaring through the open window to the wall. It was happening again, and they can't stop it. "Showtime." You muttered, flexing your wings as you eyed the top of the wall.

With a start the bolt of lightning came crashing down, the muscle bound titan you've heard so much about appearing with it's lipless scowl.

Carla screamed and stood up, backing away as she too saw the creature. It appeared that was when it made it's move, kicking the wall as debris flew up and across the Trost district which flattened and killed many people in the timespan of a few seconds. Looks like you'll need to finally do something, hopefully it's entertaining.

With a grunt you pulled off the the rest of your specialised armor, not wanting it ruined which soon left you bare chested with your raggy jeans the only thing to cover your lower body. "Stay here, and be safe." You instructed Carla, walking up to the now calmed down mother and slowly stroking her hair.

She didn't say anything, only nodding with a small worried glance. That was all you needed though as you smiled and turned around, running up and jumping out of the window before spreading your wings and soaring over to the wall with a grin.

+Timeskip with Chibi Dragon
(y/n) gnawing on a three meter titans leg and Hanji squealing at the cuteness+

It was pure chaos, titans littered the street with small groups of humans retreating back to the garrison headquarters. As you were flying you noticed something felt off, a single glance back revealed you were being followed which let you give out a sigh. "Again with the mysterious following? It hasn't even been a few weeks." You sighed, slowly gliding above the chaos as your follower kept close behind you on the ODMG. That is before you quickly nosedived and rocketed towards the ground, absorbing yourself into the shadows of the street as the human landed nearby and desperately looked around for you.

However they quickly gave up the search when's familiar voice called out to them. "Bertholdt! We don't have time to look for him, we need to figure out our next step!" Reiner sighed, looking back to Annie as she glared at the streets and the sky.

The cadet sighed and pulled down his hood, quickly jumping up onto the roof they stood on as they stood in silence for a second.

"...Berthold broke the wall, Annie called the Titans and now I break through into the inner gates. Just like last time right?" The large man sighed, rubbing his head as he carefully looked around them at the carnage and pointless death. He frowned, eyes darkening before looking back to his comrades.

"That's what we agreed on..." The normally self conscious boy nodded, looking down to the ground as a smaller titan stopped by them towards a cornered family.

Annie watched as the mother cried and tried to protect her child, a toddler who was screaming at the violence as the titan grew closer. The blue eyed girl quickly turned her head away as the mother was soon silenced with a sickening crunch and splat of her blood and organs being either eaten or smeared across the wall. The crying infant screaming even louder as she shook at the sound, squeezing her eyes shut as the screaming was immediately muted, the titan wandering off after its meal was gone.

However when she slowly opened her eyes she saw a sight she didn't want to see, Marco staring at them in horror while Annie stared back. It wasn't long before the two titan shifters beside her quickly took notice and flinched at the boys presence, the freckled teen freaking out and immediately jumping off as he sped away on the manoeuvre gear.

Marco was flying for almost a minute before he was tackled out of the air and tossed onto the roof of a house, Annie and Bertholdt arriving a second later as Reiner was holding him down with a dark expression.

"Reiner! What are you doing!?" He asked, trying to escape the armlock as he was pressed further into the tiles. It wasn't long though before he was pulled up, held up in a fashion so he couldn't pull away.

"His manoeuvre year, take it off." Reiner instructed Annie the girl hesitating before grabbing onto the buckles and beginning to remove them while Marco flailed and thrashed wildly.

"Annie! Why!?" He screamed, continuing his struggle as he tried getting an answer to their evil deeds and their actions. "Why!? Why!? Annie!" He cried, managing to get some space as he put his head into her view with the girl freezing and slowly looking down while shaking. This isn't what she wanted.

Once his manoeuvre gear was off they quickly threw him off the roof, Marco hitting the ground hard enough to knock the air out of him while the young boy was shaking. Not because of his teams betrayal, but from the titan leering down at him with a permanent smile that stretched it's face out.

He started screaming again as he was lifted up, uselessly thrashing and crying in protest as he looked down at the three staring up at him. "Please! I'm sorry, I won't tell anyone! Please don't do this!" He pleaded, tears streaming down his face before seeing the dirty yellow teeth of the titan close in around him.

Annie couldn't take it anymore, softly crying as Marco was being bitten into by the titan with Bertholdt seeming regretful. But they both were shocked when Reiner finally spoke up.

" Marco..." The tall man uttered, staring at the scene of Marco being devoured while Bertholdt gasped at the realisation Reiner didn't know what he was doing. "...Getting eaten?"

As they watched on the roof, a little ways away you stood with a glare as your pupils were as thin as paper. Claws extended out with your needle sharp teeth barred in a snarl, scales covering your body fully until you were once again covered in the thick plates. That wasn't the only thing though as a soft red heat lit up in your chest, the glow visible in the back of your throat as your very soul lit up.

 That wasn't the only thing though as a soft red heat lit up in your chest, the glow visible in the back of your throat as your very soul lit up

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"...Now you fucked up..."

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