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**** Beau and Brett worked their way around the new arena. Brett held the post straight as his younger brother filled and packed the dirt.

"How's Kaylee doin'? She was in bad shape last week."

Beau cursed under his breath. It had been over a week since he'd had to go get his daughter.

"You know my girl. She's back to 100%, she's also a bit annoyed with her mother and myself. We check up on her a little to much by her opinion."

Brett chuckled. He'd been there when Beau had brought the girl home. She'd been pale as a ghost, not a hint of her usual spark. Sensing that someone needed to change the subject, Brett went on.

"Rowdy said he and the munchkin will be here to help, later." Brett said as he straightened.

"Poor kid," Beau said, "She's been through a lot in only a few months. I don't know very many adults that would of come through as much in one piece." He shook his head, "All this happened at a really bad time though."

The agent nodded, "I know, I'm not sure how much we'll be able to shield her from." He looked in the direction of Wolf Mountain. "Bear said some hikers disappeared on the mountain last week." He shook his head. "I don't know. I have this feelin' that somethin' bad's about to happen, and this time..." he shook his head and looked down at his boots.

Beau agreed, "Rowdy and I both feel the same. In the Rangers, you're taught to go with your gut. I know you did with the SEALs as well."

Before Brett could answer they turned when an old beat up, four door Chevy truck rolled to a halt. The bed was filled with fencing supplies.

Rowdy stepped out and raised a hand to the men, as he walked around the truck to help a shy, beautiful little girl out of a booster seat in the back. The closer Rowdy and Charity came to her uncles, the tighter she plastered herself to his side.

Charity was trying to remember the men's names. She had met more men in the weeks here on the ranch than she had known her entire life. She had only known Grandpa Mike, her mama's father who had been old and sick, the principal at her school and the supervisor at Child Services and her foster father.

'These guys aren't old and sick. They're big, even bigger than Uncle Rowdy. One of them had pretty eyes, just like Aunt Bobbi... Beau! That's his name! That one's Uncle Beau.'

She liked Beau, she was a bit in awe of him having seen videos of his bull riding days.

That made her feel so much better, she was having trouble remembering names, there were just so many... Uncles, aunts and cousins.

'Now... what was the other one's name? Beau, Bobbi, Billy... no, that wasn't it. Beau, Bobbi, umm it has an R in it. Bro... Bri... Bro... Bre...OH! Brett! Uncle Brett!'

She was so proud of herself. Looking up at her new father and she pulled on the hand that held hers.

"I remembered their names all by myself this time, you didn't have to help me." She announced with a smile. He gave the small hand a gentle squeeze.

"See? I told you it wouldn't take long. There's a lot for anyone to remember, honey. Just give yourself some time and we'll give you all the help you need, all you have ta do is ask."

"Hi there, Munchkin! How are you feelin' today?"  Brett, smiled and tipped his hat.

Charity smiled shyly and answered, "I'm okay, Uncle Brett, are you okay, Uncle Brett?"

Both men smiled, delighted that their niece was interacting with and becoming more comfortable with them.

"I'm feelin' very okay." Brett said smiling. "I'd feel a whole lot better if all these fence posts were in the ground."

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now