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**** Yancy stepped into Rowdy's mud room and called out, "That new gelding is stalled up for now."

Bobbi opened the door and waved to her new father-in-law, "The one Beau saved from the slaughterhouse? I thought you were putting him out to pasture today?"

The ranch foreman shook his head with a heavy sigh, "I thought so too; but that darned walking glue factory has tried attacking every horse in the Eastern paddock."

Rowdy's voice called from the study, "Pops, I told you he wasn't ready."

Yancy smiled at Charity who sat at the table with her milk and cookies, swinging her little legs happily, "Hi Little Bit. How's my favorite pardner today?" He took her hand and placed a gentle kiss on her knuckles.

She grinned and giggled. "I'm fine Grandpa. Can I see my pony today?"

Yancy chuckled, "Well, darlin' that's up to you and yer folks."

Rowdy stepped into the kitchen wiping his greasy hands with an old stained rag.

Bobbi grinned widely, "Is it working now?"

Her husband nodded, "Yep, but keep in mind that sewing machine is an antique. So I wouldn't use it all the time."

Bobbi threw her arms around his neck and kissed him, when she pulled back she couldn't help the big grin on her face. "Charity wants to go and meet her new pony. That ok with you?"

He nodded and winked at Charity, "So long as you stay with Grandpa, and do what he says I have no problem with it Ladybug."

Charity beamed as she hopped out of her chair, a huge grin on her face. For the first several weeks she had been shy and somewhat withdrawn round everyone. Rowdy and Bobbi had been gradually introducing her to the family and were thrilled as they watched her growing confidence. Her personality was as beautiful as the child herself. She had been in awe of Beau and had become very close to his son, Kyle.

Her excitement was palpable at the idea of spending time with "Papa" and meeting her very own pony. When she was half way to the mudroom door Bobbi stopped the eight year old with a loving hand on the little red head, and gently turned her back toward the table.

"Ahuhhh, just a minute sweetie. Remember the table rule? We clean up after ourselves in this house, then we have fun, remember?"

Even though her voice was firm, Charity relaxed when she saw the twitch in the corner of Bobbi's mouth.

Yancy leaned forward and whispered conspiratorially "She makes me put my dishes in the sink too," and nodded. Seeing she was not in trouble, she put her dishes in the sink and turned back to Bobbi.

"Very good, thank you sweetheart, you're such a great helper." Charity grinned and shrugged her little shoulders as she soaked in the praise.

"Ok you two, scoot and go see your pony."

Charity's face lit up and she skipped out to the stable, her tiny hand held in the large, calloused one of her grandfather.

"Oh my gosh, Bobbi you gotta see this." Rowdy motioned her over to the window looking out over the barn lot. He pointed to his father and newly adopted daughter. The couple stood in each others arms and watched the magic that was Yancy Kincaid.


Yancy grinned to himself as the adorable imp skipped into the stable, holding tight to his hand. Her eyes grew when he lifted her onto the wooden chest that held her own "tools of the trade."

Her mouth formed a silent "Ooooo!" as she saw, the gelding pony in the stall.

"Charity, this is Buddy. He's a real nice boy. Buddy, this is Charity, she's the real sweet little lady I been tellin' you about and you two are gonna be best friends." The little cowgirl giggled and grinned.

"Is he really going to be mine Papa?" Yancy's eyes misted at being called Papa for the first time. 'Look Brody boy, look at this beautiful little girl. Your last gift to us and we're gonna take good care of her.'

After clearing his throat, he said "He's not gonna be yours honey, he IS yours."

"Right now? He's mine right now, really and truly now?"

He smiled and hugged her "Yup, he's yours right now and you two are gonna be buddies. "

The little dapple pony flattened his ears and snorted, then turned her back to Charity.

Crestfallen, Charity looked at the older man. "He doesn't like me?" She asked, lips beginning to tremble.

"Ah sweetheart, he's just giving you the chance to show him how patient and good you're gonna be. Here, hold this carrot out, shake it a little and talk real soft. Tell him how pretty he is and how you're gonna take real good care of him. Let him come to you, it'll be ok."

"He won't get mad if I tell him he's pretty? Boys aren't pretty Papa. Boys are handsome."

Yancy appeared to give the matter as much consideration as it was obviously important to her. "I guess you're right sweetheart, never thought about it much before."

She looked at the pony and then at her Papa. "If he's really my pony....can I give him different name?"

"Don't see any reason why you can't. You know what name you want?"

She nodded solemnly.

"Ok, what's his new name so we can introduce him to hisself?"

"His name is Brody."

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now