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**** Rowdy, Beau, Bobbi, Sheriff Koni and Yancy stood in the stables as Brett and Nico related facts of the case they were working on. Brett pulled pictures of Rodney Smithe and Sam Dogg from a manila folder and handed them to Rowdy, an auxillary deptuty.

"Smithe, and Dogg?" Rowdy was confused, "We've been helpin' Sheriff Koni with an investigation concernin' them. It looks like they're the ones causin' all the trouble on not just this ranch but in the entire valley. But, what do they have to do with all this?" He asked, holding the file up.

Brett looked at Nico who nodded, "I checked in. We were given the go ahead. The Director said to cooperate fully with the local Law enforcement and de Sheriff here has stated they will return de favor."

Brett sighed with relief, then looked at Bobbi, Koni and the three men. "Their real names are Juan and José Rodriguez, a father and son team. Juan is the male version of a Black Widow. He cons his way into the hearts and homes of rich women after their husband meets with an untimely and fatal accident. After they're married for awhile, she and any children meet with somewhat suspicious accidental deaths."

Brett looked sick as he glanced over at the house. "He then plays the grievin' widower and step-father, collects the insurance, sells everythin' to the highest bidder, and gets the heck outa Dodge."

Bobbi caught her breath and grabbed Beau's arm. "Mom's car crash!"

Brett nodded and looked at his younger siblings. "The only reason he wasn't able to complete the job here is, because dad left the ranch and all the money to us kids, not to mom. If anything were to happen to any one of us before our sixtieth birthdays... like... let's say, a sudden, suspicious death, not caused by being in the military, or," he looked at Beau, "in the rodeo... the ranch would be turned over to the state. The ranch was to be maintained as a rehabilitation center, and the money given to the Blanton heirs, Yancy and his heirs. Somehow, dad knew, or felt something would happen. In my time with the FBI, I've learned that dad worked with them several times. Both during his time as a Ranger, and after. He was investigating the Rodriguez case on his own. Though there's no proof - yet, we think they had somethin' to do with his death. We need to find dad's files. He'll have hidden them somewhere around here, but hidden... well."

The two former SEALs looked at Yancy who shook his head. "Sorry, son, if he hid them here, they're not in the main house. Lillie and I have renovated nearly every room in the house over the last three years. If any files were there, we would have found them by now."

Bobbi was thunderstruck, "I don't understand," she unconsciously stepped closer to Rowdy as she studied her eldest brother.

"Daddy was killed by a bull. We were all there." She shook her head as if flinging the horiffic memory away. "I was with mom when we got to the hospital, and the doctor said..." she couldn't go on as the sorrow flooded her.


Bobbi had only just turned five, and she still had a difficult time celebrating her birthday. Why wouldn't she, when that it was so close to the anniversary of her father's death? The man she loved and saw as her hero... he could do no wrong in her eyes. For five years he had been her rock. The man who taught her to ride, throw a lasso, brand a calf, line dance and waltz. He had given her a firm belief in herself, a belief that gave her strength, self esteem. He had taught her to love and respect the law. Then right before her very eyes the life of the man she loved so much, had been snuffed out.


'Daddy... I miss you so much.' She rubbed her upper arms as if chilled. She could have sworn she felt someone wrap her in a firm bear hug. 'Daddy.' She'd know his hugs anywhere. The thought made her smile inwardly. Then, 'Oh my gosh! Why haven't I realized that before? I have a hard time around my birthday...daddy's death and Rowdy has a hard time around Brody's death! Around the time we had that awful fight and I left the ranch, both last year. Oh dear heaven, he needed help and I was so tied up in my own pain, I didn't realize it. He thinks I turned my back on him.'

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now