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**** Alexander Brody Blanton was laying quietly in his isolat. He was clean and warm and his proud parents had counted fingers and toes and kissed him and each other. Beau was amazed at how strong the tiny fingers were when they grasped his.

Then, thirty minutes later, his sister decided to make her entrance into the world. "Even if the ultrasound hadn't said she was a girl we would have known." Beau had said and chuckled.

"Why?" Drina demanded as she rested from the last push. He pressed a cool cloth against her forehead and kissed her lovingly. "Because she's late."

"Ha, ha. Very funny."

"Ok Drina, her head's clear... one more big push and let's introduce her to her brother.

"Here... we.... gooooo, and she's out... and she's beautiful! And loud!" Rowdy exclaimed grinning from ear to ear. He held her up for Drina to see and waited for Beau to cut the cord before passing her along to Rachel.

"Well little lady, we don't have to tell you to breathe do we?" the nurse said, "My goodness what a pair of lungs you have." Rachel laughed as she cleaned and prepared the tiny bundle for her parents inspection. "I think we have another songbird on the ranch." She laughed and lay the soft, sweet baby in Beau's arms.

He smiled, kissed a tiny fist and then his wife, "She's so beautiful, baby. She looks just like you." He held their daughter so Drina could see her and then placed her in Drina's arms. Beau took his son from Rachel and for the first time, they held their babies together.

"They appear to be strong to be this early," Dr. Cox observed. "What do you think, Rachel? Do you have a scale there?" She asked.

"That's one of things that didn't come in time." She answered regretfully. "Except for being small, you wouldn't know they were this early, Doctor. They're both strong, breathing well and show a good APGAR score. They're amazing. Must be that bull rider blood." She teased.

Drina laughed, "Without a doubt, Rachel. Any guesses on how much they do weight?"

"Will they have to stay in the hospital long?" Beau asked.

"Well..." Rachel started when Drina gasped, "Beau!"

Carla quickly took the baby girl and handed her back to Rachel. Beau did the same with little Alex.

"Rowdy, what the heck's goin' on?" He demanded as another surprise contraction hit Drina.

"What's this? Looks like we have a stowaway." Rowdy laughed as another tiny head crowned. "Ok, Drina. You know the drill by now, another push aaaand... there's the head!"

The entire room was in shock. "Triplets?!" Dr. Cox asked, amazed. "There was never a sign of a third on the ultrasounds! And I never heard a third heartbeat! Watch closely, Rowdy. This one may... you... understand?"

"Gotcha, Doc. I'm on it." Rowdy assured the doctor that he was aware this child might not be as strong as its siblings.

"Rachel, are you ready for another installment of the Blanton legacy?" He asked as he cleared the mouth and nose.

"Ok, Drina, head's clear, let's get those shoulders out. One... more... big... puuush!"

Beau thought he would never have use of his right hand again, Drina squeezed it so hard. "You're doin' great, sweetheart, come on."

"Hoo raa! It's another girl! And she's gorgeous!" Rowdy laughed, so happy to have played a part in this wonderful time of his friend's life, and wondered briefly if he would ever watch his own child being born.

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now