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**** High up on the thickly forested, 'Wolf Mountain', was a hidden camp. It lay only a short distance from, 'White Wolf Falls', where it was said by the local tribe that a Mighty Wolf Spirit slept. The outline of the mountain itself a looked like a majestic wolf howling at the moon. Many myths and legends had been spun around that mountain for hundreds of years. And legends said bad things happened to those who ventured up on the mountain with evil intent in their hearts. There was an age old legend among the Cheyenne Tribe that, should anyone bring harm upon any living creature or anger the White Wolf Spirit, they would face the wrath of the mountain. No one seemed to know how the legend began, but strange things did occur and out of respect to the Great Spirit, the tribe stayed clear and warned others away. This made it the ideal hide away for Juan Rodriguez and his camp of restless and trained timber wolves.

José Rodriguez aka 'Sam Dogg' sat near the fire cleaning his rifle. All around him, men studied the layout of maps, and air photos. The sound of hungry wolves snarling and fighting over their newest meal filled the air.

Juan tossed another beef quarter to the large beasts and laughed as they attacked it with gusto. "That's right my pets, eat up. You'll be needing your strength for another job tonight."

The men had no qualms about where they were located. Wolf Mountain was a special place for the local tribe, a place of reverence, full of myth and superstition and the sounds of their wolves only added to the legends and kept them alive.

José stepped up behind his father and cleared his throat, "Bad news, sir."

The younger man swallowed as Rodriguez slowly turned to face him. "What kind of news?!" He asked through clinched teeth.

"According to my informant, Blanton and his wife had their babies last week. Two girls and a boy....since then he's heightened ranch security."

Rodriguez glared at his son. "You were supposed to take him out!" He snarled. "What happened!"

Thinking about his narrow escape, José shook his head, "I didn't get a clear shot....and... the....SEAL is back. My informant says he brought some cajun hick friend with him and they're both FBI Agents."

Rodriguez looked his son in the eyes. "That's impossible. Brett died in combat over three years ago, along with his buddy, a guy named Montague!"

"They were classified as MIA, they're both alive and back. Apparently, it was a planned disappearance that no one was privy to, except a few high ups."

Juan snarled under his breath and turned back to the pen. José swallowed and continued, "There's more. Brett Sr's daughter, the attorney, she specializes in child abuse, domestic violence and women's rights cases. She's working on the disappearance of teenage girls and rape cases. She remembers.... apparently the other one does too.... and the Blanton dame is determined to bring us down."

Juan nodded, "I should have ended her when she was a child. Even then, she was a thorn in my side....change of plans....I want her taken out before the Blanton brother's and Kincaid. Put Diego on it, no mistakes this time. If he fails me again, he'll end up just like the last man."

José looked at the pack and shuddered. "I'll see to it." With that order he turned and left.


Rowdy and Tad rode along the fence line looking for holes or breaks in the barbed wire that needed repair. Tad swore when he saw the cleverly disguised, man made break in the fence, "Man... this has become ridiculous!" Tad said, as he studied the cut wire.

Rowdy nodded, "They're gettin' bolder, too."

Tad was in full agreement. "Now that the Boss is gone on and off for a week or so, they'll think it's the prime time to make a move. What I don't get..."

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang