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**** "I ain't goin' back ta jail for you an' yore pa." Andy, one of the rustlers growled at José Rodriguez.

"Me neither!" Jarod stated. "I didn't sign up ta kidnap and hurt kids. It's one thang to take cattle from somebody that cin afford it, but kidnappin' kids and a crippled one at that is somethin' else."

"That's fer durn sure, that jest ain't right." Ted, another added. "You said it'd be easy money from folks that won't never miss it."

"That's right." Andy spoke again in a loud whisper. "You both said there'd be minimal risk." He pointed out in the distance. "That team out there don't look too minimal."

"That's right, an' nobody said nuthin' about anybody getting fed ta those murderous monsters."

"That's right."

"That's for shore!"

"Durn straight!"

"I'm gettin' outa here before Blanton and Kincaid gets any closer." Andy said as he began to gather his gear.

"I've seen both of the Blanton's and Kincaid mad an' I don't want no part of 'em. I heard Kincaid took on one 'o the wolves and WON! He won!"

Jarod added, "Have you looked at those guys with 'em? Those are special ops soldiers that don't stop. I'm not diein' for you." He looked around at the other men. "Who's with me?"

"I am," Ted agreed. "When you guys kidnapped Blanton's kids, they took off the gloves. That there's a federal offense - big time prison time."

Ted and Andy began moving as quickly as possible through the brush and away from the coming battle. By the time Rodriguez realized there was desertion among his rustlers, six had disappeared and several of the others acted as if they wanted to join the deserters.

"You all are a bunch of pansies!" Rodriguez accused. "You were eager enough to join up."

"Well, yeah I guess we were." Toby, a tall, well built man said. "But you said we'd get rich and get out."

Several others agreed while keeping an uneasy eye on their boss.

"So far," Toby continued, "it 'pears ta me that you an' your son are the only ones gettin' rich whilst we take all the risk."

Rodriguez was becoming alarmed. He had always drawn his strength from being able to control others, by manipulation and charm. When that didn't work, he used intimidation and threats against his men's families. Now his rustlers too, appeared to be falling apart. He couldn't bring Blanton down alone. Especially with his brother and Rowdy. It was time to get tough and tougher, remind them who their boss was.

Rodriguez looked at Ramone and José, "Get the brats. When Blanton sees one of his precious little girls and hears them cry, he'll pull out his wallet and hand over the ranch."

The remaining men looked at each other. None of them liked the look in the boss's eyes. That wild eyed look of near insanity never boded well. It was usually followed by someone being thrown to the wolves.

Shortly, José and Ramone both came running back, rifles held at the ready.

"Well?" Rodriguez said with a snear. "Where are they?"

The two men glanced at each other uneasily .

"Um, well sir," José began.

"Well what?" Rodriguez stepped forward, glowering at them.

"The girls, they are gone, el señor."

"They're what?" Rodriguez asked in a deceptively soft voice. Everyone began backing away and the wolves began licking their chops and looking hungry.

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now