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**** Bobbi piloted the chopper like a pro as the team prepared the medical supplies so they could jump out as soon as the copter landed. She had set it down at Shadow Bend as planned, it was a flat area far enough away from Rowdy and Tad to set down safely, yet close enough to get to the men quickly.

Brett, Nico, a clinic nurse and two ranch hands ran from the chopper, keeping low. Tad had given them accurate directions as to their location. There were enough rock formations and tree groupings to provide shelter, although the attackers would undoubtedly had heard the helicopter.

The rescue team found them easily due to Tad's precise directions. Carla set to work cleaning and examining the wound immediately. Blood pressure was taken and an IV was ready in moments. Nico admired the way the team worked together and had Rowdy ready for transport to the waiting chopper as soon as the shooters were apprehended.

Nico smiled at Rowdy "Dat girl o' yours has grit." His Cajon accent seemed to deepen with stress, but having been a SEAL he was trained, and lived for this kind of action.

Rowdy nodded, "She's tough..." He looked around him. The voices of his friends were growing distant, and the mental video of the past battle grew clear as he relived it.


He and the team of Rangers lay hidden in the sand in the dark. Rowdy lay between Bossman and Brody (Digger), they had been laying like this... waiting. He looked at his commanding officer and smiled when Bossman gave a nod. The camp was asleep and one of their men was being held somewhere inside. It was time to get him back. Rangers never left a man behind. Dead or alive.

Slowly the Rangers surrounded the enemy camp. They knew where Topper (Top) was being held, and suspected that he would be injured though how badly was not yet known. For that very reason, they had their Team Medic (Rowdy) standing by. With one hand signal Bossman gave the order for silence. All communication was hand signals. Rowdy nodded his understanding, and moved silently to his location.

Rowdy peaked around a tent to the camp center. Top was tied to a tall post. He stared down at his captor with defiance. The man asked him another question, but all he got in return was Top's name, rank, and serial number.

Rowdy looked over at Boss and cupped his hand around his throat. The sign for injured hostage. He then held up two fingers, indicating that the package was not alone. Boss nodded and gave the sign to move in. Other Rangers had taken their places and awaited orders. Rowdy followed behind Boss and Digger.

Sherlock joined them, after taking out a guard. He looked at Rowdy and held up four fingers. He and Goof had taken out four guards. Rowdy shook his head and tapped his temple.

'I'm biddin' my time.'

Sherlock grinned back and nodded.

Boss lifted his fist in an order to freeze, then lay his hand palm level with the ground. He was giving the order to kneel or go prone. The Rangers did as commanded and waited, weapons ready...


Nico checked Rowdy's pulse. "They better hurry up an' find that guy! Rowdy's in shock, an' he's clammy to the touch."

Brett fired at the sniper's last known location only to be fired on from another. "Crap! Either he's playin' musical rocks on us or he has a buddy." He and Tad were about to open fire once more when Nico chuckled.

"Don' look now, but mama wolf's in a rage."

The three watched as a huge brown and white she-wolf streaked past them, and skidded to a stop. She nuzzled Rowdy's neck and let out a low wine.

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now