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**** Rowdy and Bobbi sat at the kitchen table with the attorney and case worker from the Montana Child & Family Services, MCFS. The lawyer had called the night before, stating the matter was of the upmost urgency. Not knowing what the situation was Rowdy had wanted Bobbi to be present as it would undoubtedly affect her life as well. She was at the top of her field and had more common sense than most. He knew with her on his side, he was covered.

The attorney had been very sketchy on the phone and couldn't or wouldn't elaborate on the subject matter and that worried him. He hadn't decked anyone recently, although he had wanted to badly enough and he had broken no laws that he was aware of.

He felt instant relief when Bobbi walked into the house, but still couldn't help but worry. He and Bobbi had finally gotten things right between them. He closed his eyes and lowered his head onto his folded hands, 'Dear Lord, please get us through whatever this is together. I feel so strongly that You brought us back together and intend for us to be as one. Please guide us through this. In Your name I pray. Amen.

Bobbi took his hand and smiled into the beautiful green eyes she loved so much, "Amen. I said my prayers for strength and wisdom on the way over. What ever it is Rowdy... we'll handle it together."

He kissed her knuckles, "I've missed you, Bobb's, I'm not sure how I got through in one piece when we were apart."

"Me too," she whispered "I was miserable away from you. It was like a part of me was gone," she said and looked up at the sound of car doors closing. The two took a deep breath, and smiled at each other and hand in hand answered the door.

"Mr. Kincaid?"

At Rowdy's nod, the well dressed man stepped back to allow a middle aged woman enter the house before him.

"Mr. Kincaid, this is Donna Farley, a Case Worker from Montana Child & Family Services. As I told you in our earlier conversation, I am Charles Bently, an Attorney with Banter and Huntley in Billings.

Bobbi stepped up beside Rowdy. He slipped his arm around her waist, "This is my fiancé and attorney Barbara Blanton with Carter, Winters and Martin.

The two attorneys nodded to each other and shook hands. Both knew of each other and were aware that they would not be dealing with a second rate lawyer, but the creme of the crop.

"Yes. Yes, Miss Blanton, I'm a great admirer of yours. I watched the progress of your case with the child molester last year. Excellent work, he got no less than he deserved."

Both Bobbi and Rowdy shook hands with the kind looking Mrs. Farley. "I couldn't agree more, Miss Blanton. In my line of work I see entirely too many abusers get off with barely a slap on the wrist. Congratulations on a job well done and thank you for the effort and all the hours you put into that case!"

Rowdy loved seeing Bobbi get praise she so deserved. At the invisible prod from Bobbi, Rowdy asked politely, "Would you like to come into the kitchen and have a cup of coffee or hot tea?"

To his surprise, the attorney gladly accepted coffee with cream and the case worker welcomed a cup of herbal tea with honey. As both were stirring their drinks Mr. Bently smiled slightly.

"I'm sure you've been more than a little curious about my call and I apologize for being so cryptic... it was necessary."

He took a drink of coffee and smiled appreciatively at the smooth flavor. "While time has obviously gone by, may we first offer our sincere condolences at the loss of your brother, Brody. I understand you were very close."

At first, Rowdy could only stare at the two. He had been completely thrown off balance and looked to Bobbi for support. She placed her hand over his and smiled, "Thank you, that was a difficult time for Rowdy and their father, Yancy. Brody was a big part of the ranch and was well respected and loved and yes, they were very close. But what does his Brody have to do with your visit today?"

My Rowdy Cowboy.  (3B Ranch Series) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now