What's a...Prahm?

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(Kipo's POV)

"...which is why I, Kipo Oak, am inviting you...to Prahm."

"Huh, prom? Like a dance?" Hoag questioned me looking confused as ever. I smiled "No, Prahm, like, P-R-A-H-M. A party reconciling All humans and Mutes. But also, yes. There will be dancing." I hear Doag cheer quietly seeing her fist go up in the air. I clasp my hands together "If you could hear the Timbercats shred on a banjo, and if they could taste one of Mrs. Graham's cakes, there's no way you'd hate each other." Murmurs could be heard from around me as everyone gathered in a circle around me. "If you come to Prahm, you'll see that you have more in common than you think." Emilia suddenly shouted "This is clearly a trap! Who throws a party in the middle of a war?!"

"Kipo." Everyone said in unison.

"So, what do you say?" I asked them all with a bright smile. Doag cheered happily as she danced her way to me "Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" She leaned onto my shoulder "We're not war people, we're burrow people. We like fun museums and giving each other compliments!" Doag's friends supported her as they walked and stood behind us. "Great! Meet us tomorrow at Skyscraper Ridge." Just then Zane steps up "I'll be going." He grabbed his arrow and threw it on the ground giving Emilia a slight glare before joining on my side.

Soon enough everyone left Emilia's side and stood beside me. Laughter escaped them all as they grew excited thinking about the party event. It soon stopped once Emilia approached me as she gave me a smile. "I accept your invitation." I gasped, not expecting her to comply just like that. I nodded my head as I turned around and gathered everyone to me as I gave them a ride to shore. By the time we were halfway to Timbercat Village the sun was already high in the sky showering us with the heat.

As we walked Zane was so pumped and exhilarated he wouldn't stop showin off his fighting moves. "Gah! Feel the Zane!" He yelled enthusiastically kicking his leg in the air "All clear." I chuckled lightly "Zane, you don't have to do that anymore." He turned his head "Right, because I'm on the side of the mutes now. So, who's the enemy?" "There isn't one." Benson answered walking ahead as we trailed behind him. "Something's not right." Wolf said as she stopped in front of us. Dave looked at her "It the walking? 'Cause I hate walking, too."

He struck a pose "Why don't we skate everywhere? Think about that, hm?" Wolf glanced down at the ground making a small frown appear on her face "It's not that. I-it's Emilia." She turned her body towards us "She agreed to Prahm, then smiled. Something's up. I can feel it." I gave her a reassuring smile "Even if you're right, I don't think she can do anything. She knows her cure won't work on me, and she's lost her army." I turn my head at Benson "It kinda feels like we won." He grinned "Well, half won. We only have until tomorrow to convince all of the mutes in Las Vistas to come to a party with the people who just attacked them."

Zane appeared behind Benson holding his chin in a posing manner "I'll help. I'm charismatic and people respect my strong jawline." I give him a nervous smile "Um...that is true, but I think you, Doag, and everyone else from the boat should just meet me after." My smile grew more worriedly "They might be a teeny bit upset that..."

(Y/n's POV)

I sat up from my bed as I gave my body a good stretch and let out a quiet yawn. I look behind me and see a still sleeping Hugo. I smiled to myself as I turn my head back around and looked down as I held my bandaged stomach. I got up from the bed and lifted my shirt to unwrap the bandages as it slowly reveals my exposed tummy. Once I was finished I threw them to the floor and placed my hands, feeling where the bruises and cuts were. I couldn't feel anymore pain.

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