A Prahm-posal

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(EEEEEEH!!! I'm so excited for this chapter! Also, I hope you love the artwork I did!⬆️ You are more than welcome to use it as a reference 💜 just be sure to credit me pwease! ( ✌︎'ω')✌︎ Anyway, I'll let you guys read now, but don't forget to bring a tissue! It's gonna get a little emotional T^T)

(Emilia's POV)

Liam and I walked through our door and was greeted by the smell of food dad was cooking for us. I greeted him "Hey, Dad." He turned his head "How was school today?" We placed our books on the counter as we sat down on the stools. I smiled "Good. I was the only one who figured out how to clone a cell from an old mandrill fossil." I glanced at Liam who smiled proudly at me, his big sister. "Good" would be if you fixed the Great Mutant Outbreak, Emilia." Dad said sternly as he went back to cooking.

"But it's a start." I see him eying Liam "What about you, Liam?" I stare at him as he passionately speaks "I scored the winning goal in Burrow Ball. Coach said I could be coach one day!" Suddenly our Dad slammed his fists on the counter as he yelled "Your future is not in a burrow! It's up there on the surface." He said as he pointed upwards. "Am I understood?" I see Liam stand up looking disappointed "Yes, sir." With a frown I watched him walk away giving our Dad a cold look before sitting on the sofa.

I turn to Dad "Why did you yell at him like that? You don't have to be so hard on him you know. It's bad enough we lost mom...if you keep acting this way towards him, you'll lose him, too." He glared at me "Yes, I do, Emilia. And your mother was sick! You hear me?! SICK!There ain't nothing we could've done, and as long as he's not getting distracted from our mission, I couldn't care less if he hated me for the rest of his life." I gasped as I covered my mouth, but words couldn't come out.

He took a deep breath and stared me directly in the eyes "Our mission, Emilia....is bigger than a stupid game. It's bigger than us! We cannot lose our fire." I furrowed my brows "We won't. We WILL be the ones to return humans to our rightful place." I made a fist. I knew I wasn't going be a disappointment. Even if our Dad was really mean and strict with us, his goals and ambitions were what made me respect him as a person.

"Every generation thinks they're gonna be the ones to bring humans back on top. And eventually, every generation gives up." He stated with his bulky arms crossed. "I won't give up." I said determinedly at him, and that was the truth. Whether or not I'll get his approval, or if he dies before then, I'll be the one to save humanity from the ashes of the Great Mutant Outbreak. I can guarantee it. "Make sure your brother doesn't either. Keep him focused." He said as he turned his back to me to finish cooking.

"Yes, sir. I won't let you down." I said obediently as I got up and left to go sit with Liam. I nudged his elbow as we looked at one another and smiled. We were there for each other when we needed it, especially on our bad days like this. I knew he wasn't the type to be as interested as the stuff me and Dad were into, but as long as he had my back in all this, and I had his.....we would've been able to do anything together.....

Or so I hoped.

I stared at the photo Liam took of us on that tragic day when it was his first time going up to the surface. My hand began to tremble as the photo started to wrinkle within my grasp. I whispered with venom in my voice "(Y/n) will pay for what she's done.." I hear a faint chuckle coming from behind me as I gave an exasperated sigh placing the photo down on the table. "You done scheming for your next big plan, miss Villain?" I rubbed my forehead "Very funny. And I wasn't doing anything anyway." His posture suddenly became more professional "Look hun, I'm on a tight schedule here, so could we possibly hurry this up?"

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