Cactus Town

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Y/N - your name
E/C - eye color
H/C - hair color
H/L - hair length
S/C - skin color
F/C - favorite color

(Y/n's POV)

We followed the giant Mute footprints all the way to entering Cactus Town, home to the Umlaut Snakes, my friend Cotton's home.

(**Cue Music**)

Me and Kipo were riding on Pierre and asked if the others wanted a turn, they of course said no. So with that, me and Kipo took off and started making our way to Cactus Town, getting more closer to our goal.

We all came to a halt as the gang and I stood in front of our cat army and Yumyan was about to give a powerful speech. "Soon we will find the Mega Beast, crush it, and take back our sacred tree." Everyone shouted "Sacred Tree!" As they raised their axes, "But first...we give Pierre a drink." He chopped a piece of a cactus with water coming out of it letting Pierre drink from it. "Timbercats assemble! As you know we are a proud litter of felines. We never lose!" I was listening to his inspirational speech until I saw Wolf drag Kipo the side, I'll leave them be. But it wasn't until Benson and Dave went over there did it caught my attention. I joined them and overheard Wolf talk to Kipo about the Mega Mute. "Do you really think you can just talk to a Mega Mute? They can't think. They're mindless giants." Kipo then pointed out, "You never know until you try. Besides its the only lead I have." She walked a little ahead of us, Mandu sensing her worry she whined. "There weren't any human footprints leading out of my burrow. So, either that Mega Mute took them, or a city full of humans just disappeared into thin air." She finished, waving her arms in exasperation.

I felt bad for Kipo..

I could see why she'd think that

There are so many possibilities you could make out here, ANYTHING could happen to them...

"We're all for finding the Mega Mute. Just didn't wanna do it with the world's largest dinner bell." Wolf pointed at the Timbercats as Yumyan got on Pierre holding his axes and yelled "Onward! Yumyan owns you all!" The Timbercats cheered as they too, raised their axes in the air. Moments later we were walking through Umlaut territory with the cats in front and us following behind them. I walked in front of Benson and Dave while Kipo and Wolf were in front. I started thinking on how I should explain to Kipo and the rest about my relationships with the snakes. My thoughts got interrupted by Benson's scream from behind me as I turned around to find that he had tripped over dead snake skin. He and Dave both began freaking out, but not until we all heard rattling from all around us. Yumyan did a front flip and got his axe guitar ready as he yelled to us, "Axes on guard!" The Timbercats readied their axes and took their stances.

Suddenly from behind everyone I could see up ahead Cotton and the Umlaut Snakes appear and face Yumyan. I couldn't quite hear what they're were saying but all I know is that Cotton doesn't take too kindly to those who wake her up during her nap time. Soon everyone started a hissing contest and I didn't notice Kipo had already gone up to the front to confront them. "Kipo, wait! I know the-" But it was too late. "Wow! Uh, nice hiss-off!" She started saying as she went in between the two leaders. I then try to make my way towards her, hoping I can clear everything. "Listen, maybe you could let us pass through your territory just this one time..." Kipo had lean so far back due to Cotton getting up all in her face with a deadly look, hissing at her. "We'll actually be very quiet from now on." She whispered that last part as she fell back on the ground. Cotton lifted her head up to Yumyan, "Now you're keeping humans and fleas? You cats truly are disgusting." She sneered at him as he replied with a menacing screech. "Ladies...let's eat this buffet!"

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