Mute-Eat-Mute World

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Y/N - your name
E/C - eye color
H/C - hair color
H/L - hair length
S/C - skin color
F/C - favorite color

(Y/n's POV)

"Jamack!" I screamed at the mischievous frog as he took Kipo and baby Dave and flew away on his dragonfly. I started running after them and took a giant leap, grabbing on to the tail.

(**Cue Music**)

Feeling the confusion and frustration of my mixed emotions I didn't know how to process on what Jamack's full intentions were...or how they'd play out, but I'm about to find out.

Jamack turned to face me dangling off the tail of the dragonfly, just barely holding on. "Get off my dragonfly, (Y/n)! It's not you I want it's her!" I groaned at his ignorance as I yelled to him "And how many times do I have to say it? You are NOT taking her because she's my friend too!" I climbed up from the tail and sat behind her. "Let us go! This is not a good time to get kidnapped! We're kinda in the middle of something." Kipo explained to him as he scoffed at her.

"Oh, sorry about that. Hop off anywhere you like. I know YOU can survive it, (Y/n)." Kipo gasped as she looked back at me and then at Jamack. "Wait, you knew about her secret too? How?" Jamack rolled his eyes as he stared ahead, "I kinda always knew she was she special in some way ever since we met, it was only till the day she let me escape did I finally see what she was." He shuddered at the thought of what happened that day.

I knew I probably gave him a good scare, but I had to show him how serious I was. "Aww, so you guys go way back then! How are you not besties yet?!" I gave an exasperated sigh, "Oh, we are! He's just the only one that's not willing to admit it!" She gasped dramatically as she turned to Jamack, "How could you NOT want to be best friends with (Y/n)?! She's like, an amazingly cool person to hang with!"

"Oh, would you two STOP?! I know she is! It's just..." he looked down for a moment before lifting his head back up. "It just took me a long time to realize how great of a friend she really is.." I gasped faintly as I looked at him from behind.


"Oh, Jamack.." I couldn't finish my sentence because he then suddenly shouted "So, for the last time (Y/n), please go!" Kipo interrupted him, "Why don't you just let us all go?!" "Because every mute in the city is after you." Kipo looked confused, I on the other hand knew why. It's because she's from a burrow and I'm not. That's why Jamack asked me to leave. But he obviously doesn't want me to get hurt either (hearing from what he just said to us).

"Scarlemagne. He knows where you're from, and that you can lead him to your dirt-loving humans. With them, he'll have an army large enough to conquer the surface."

So...this Scarlemagne wants humans for his army??

"Whoever hands you over gets to live in his palace, wear fancy clothes, and be the second most-powerful mute in the city." Jamack said proudly as he boasted on about how he'll be the one.


What Jamack had said really puzzled me

This Scarlemagne...

Owns a palace....

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