Chapter 19

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'Oh my god..'

Yaoyorozu moved her hands from your waist to your face. She had a gentle and love struck smile.

"Does that clear stuff up?" She caressed your cheek.

"It sure did." You leaned into her touch, accepting your feelings.

She gave you another sweet kiss, savouring the moment. "You taste sweeter than I thought." She bit her bottom lip and booped your nose.

"Aren't you a charmer?" You arched a brow playfully.

"Only when it comes to you my dear."

You blush slightly from her pet names.

"Now get over here." She said as she laid back down on her back, looking up at the night sky.

You didn't hesitate to lay with her, her arms wrapped around you as soon as you laid on the ground. Your head comfortably rested on her chest. You listened to her heart beat, it was slightly quicker than normal, yet still soothing.

"Why'd you kiss me?" You asked after pondering for a moment.

"Why'd you let me and kiss me back?"

"..Because.. It's like something inside made me do it, but than I think another part of me wanted to." You explained.

"Perhaps someone has feelings." She trailed her hands along your collarbone.

"Of course I do! How could I not." You said, slightly flustered.

"Well there's your answer, I kissed you because I have feelings too. Is it not obvious darling?"

"No, you just confuse me sometimes. I can't tell the difference between platonic and genuine."

"Now you know it's genuine." She pat your head.

"Why me though? We.. we weren't always on good terms." You asked, sitting upright from her chest.

She sighed. "To be honest Y/n you've always caught my eye, though my anger and envy were stronger than those feelings. But we cant hold grudges forever." She looked you deeply in the eyes.

"Oh Momo.." You said softly and took her hand.

She smiled and gave you a kiss on the forehead. She put out each candle one by one and began to pack up any food that was left over. "C'mon, it's pretty late and I would hate to worry anybody." She stood up.

You stood up as well and started to fold the blankets up and put them away in the bag you brought. You both locked hands before making your way back to the cabin. You flipped the light on and sat down on the lower bunk and laid back.

"Today was fun, thank you Yaomomo." You said to the girl who decide to lay next to you.

"Thank you spending it with me, I couldn't of ask for more." She locked her eyes with yours.

You put your hand on her face softly. You paused before speaking.

"Y'know I always thought you were straight."

She responded with a soft chuckle.

"I guess I do give off that appeal. Though I am anything but. Women are just so much better." She said with a slight blush.

"They are indeed." You said softly and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

She seemed a little surprised at first but then gave into the kiss.

"Y/n! You're alive.. Oh shit-" Mina said busting through the door.

Both you and Yaoyorozu jumped off each other, trying to look less suspicious. You felt your face heat up as the shocked girl stared at you.

"Well then." She said and began to laugh like an idiot. "Since you're both clearly alive, i'll be going." She said and closed the door quickly.

You sighed and put your face in your hands. "She's never going to stop teasing me now."

Yaoyorozu giggled beside you. "You have fun with that." She said and got up. "Let's get ready for bed. I'd hate to fall asleep on the bus again."

"I mean.. I wouldn't mind." You muttered.

Yaoyorozu looked at you while halfway in the bathroom door way. "Oh? Then maybe I will." She smiled and closed the door.

You took the time to change into your sleep clothes and put away any clothes you had laying around. It sadden you to have to leave tomorrow but at least you get to sleep in your own dorm soon. Yaoyorozu finished getting ready and crawled into her bed. She looked at you and spoke.

"Sleep with me tonight, please?"

"Of course." You said with a big smile and got into her bunk. She quickly wrapped you under the blankets and cozied up to you.

She gave you a quick kiss on the cheek. "Good Night darling."

"Night Yaomomo." You said softly before drifting to sleep in no time.


After making sure you had everything packed you waited near the main area of the camp. It didn't take long for more students to join up. Mina and Sero saw you and quickly ran up to you.

'Oh god' You internally sighed.

"Hi hi hi." Mina said excitedly.

"Good morning!" Sero said with energy.

"Morning guys."

"Soooo, our favourite person in the whole world who I love so very much-" Mina began but you stopped her.

"Ughh, what is it?" You gave into her antics.

"What's up with you and Yaoyorozu." Sero asked before Mina could.

"I see you told him." You turned your glare towards the pink girl.

"Maybe... Oh of course I was going to!"

"Can't keep anything from you guys anyways. Guess we'll have to tell Denki too." You rolled your eyes.

"Not before I do~" She said and pulled out her phone.

"Are you- Ugh never mind." You shook your head.

Mina called Denki and walked away while yelling enthusiastically into the phone.

"So, you didn't answer my question." Sero nudged you.

"Didn't Mina tell you?"

"Yeah, but I want the whole thing. Please Y/n!" He begged.

"Fine fine, we uh.. had a picnic.. and.." You began.

"Go on.."

".. We may have kissed and we'll confessed? I don't know what to call it! It's all so confusing."

Sero's eyes shined bright like a fan girl's and ran off to meet up with Mina again. You laughed at the awkwardness of your friends.

'They're so weird, eh but I love them'

"𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭" 𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭. Yaoyorozu x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now