Chapter 33

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You stretched your body as it was stiff from sitting for so long.

"That was a great movie." You exclaimed.

"No duh, you watched it like 100 times before." Mina teased with a playful grin.

You rolled your eyes at the girl. With curiosity you checked the time on your phone.


You just about jumped from your seat in panic.

"Shit shit shit! I have 30 minutes to get ready." You said with a feeling of impending doom.

"Oh girl, go get yourself ready! My god." Denki said, slightly nudging you.

"Don't gotta ask me twice." You laughed slightly and began to speed walk away.

"Have fun!" Mina shouted.

"Y/l! Wait.." Bakugo shouted after you.

You turned around to hear what he had to say. A slight flustered blush was on his face, he fumbled his hands slightly and tried to speak.

"Good luck.. You and Yaoyorozu, you seem good together.. Uhm.. Enjoy your time." He stared at the floor beneath him the whole time.

A smile spread on your face after hearing the genuine words from Bakugo, it was quite the shock. With a warm feeling you thanked him.

"Thanks dude, means a lot." Your smile grew.

"Awe, Bakugo~!" Kirishima grinned.

"Ok! Now go!" He said, trying to hide his embarrassed face, flailing around like a child.

"Bye guys!" You said with a wave before rushing off to your dorm.

With the little time you had left you rushed to get ready. You spent a good 5 minutes inspecting yourself in your mirror, making sure you looked the best you have ever looked. Once you were satisfied with your appearance you sped out your dorm to the entrance of UA. A familiar limousine was parked outside. Your face grew an excited smile as you rushed towards the fancy car, only to be greeted by your girlfriend's butler.

"Hey Samuel!" You greeted.

"Hello Miss Y/l, Miss Yaoyorozu is waiting in the car for you." He bowed slightly and opened the door for you.

"Thanks." You gave him a grateful smile and slipped into the car.

Yaoyorozu was staring at you with a dazed look, her jaw slightly agape.

"Like what you see?" You said with a playful grin.

"Most certainly." She said with a blush and a nod. "You look amazing.."

"Thank you, you look stunning." You complimented and leaned over to place a sweet kiss on her rosy lips.

"Excited for tonight?" She questioned.

"Mhm! Definitely, I haven't looked forward to new years like this ever. This is going to be so awesome." You shook in excitement.

"I'm glad you see it that way, I just hope my parents don't do anything.. bothersome." A small frown grew on the girl's lips, this made you also frown.

"Even if they do, we'll still make the most of it, I promise." You grabbed her hand and gave it a light and reassuring squeeze.

Her frown was replaced with a small genuine smile, one that you enjoyed greatly.

"You always know how to lighten the mood, you're amazing."

"Of course I am." You giggled.

With excitement flowing through your body you waited impatiently to get to Yaoyorozu's house. Once the limousine came to a full stop you practically jumped out before Samuel could even open it for you. You let the cold winter air hit you as you took in the huge house in front of you.

"My gods.. This place is huge!" You said dumbfounded.

"What did you expect, me to live in a normal sized house?" Yaoyorozu chuckled softly.

"Well no.. but I wasn't expecting this." Your eyes sparkled from the amazing mansion.

"Come on, stop drooling over my house and get in, before you catch a cold. The evenings are cooling faster than ever.." She shivered a bit.

"Okay." You said with a smile and took her hand into yours to walk in together.

You were allowed to enter without verification because you were with Yaoyorozu herself, two other butlers opened the large doors for the both of you.

"Enjoy your night ladies." One said with a polite bow.

You gave him a nod and a smile before bringing your attention to the amazing interior. It looked even better than it would usually due to the fact it was decorated for new years.

"Don't wander away or I might lose you." Yaoyorozu said and laughed, trying to pull you out of your trance.

"Oh sorry, this is just so.. incredible!"

"This isn't all of it yet, let me show you around before we join the main event. I can show you my room!" She said excitedly and pulled you up a fancy flight of stairs and a hallway that seemed to go on forever.

She stopped you in front of a door and pushed it open. Her room here wasn't much different from her dorm, except this one was much bigger and there was twice the amount of clothes.

"Oh I love it!" You immediately began to snoop around her room, you couldn't help it, you were a nosy individual.

You found a fancy vanity with makeup that could last a lifetime, there was a lot but it was perfectly organized.

"I swear you're living like royalty." You said and peeled your attention off her room to her. A fascinated expression on your face.

"You're too cute darling." She held your face in her hands.

"I wanna see more!" You nagged, curiosity burning within.

"Someone's excited." She laughed softly.

You nodded profusely.

"Let's go!"

"𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭" 𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭. Yaoyorozu x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now