Chapter 34

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After Yaoyorozu gave you a short tour of her home you both agreed it was time to join the others in the ballroom. You stepped through the archway into the huge ball room that was filled with rich and well dressed people. You tensed up slightly at the overwhelming amount of people. Yaoyorozu gave your hand a light squeeze which made you turn your head to her, her gentle smile put you at ease almost immediately. You returned the smile.

"So where's the food?" You said jokingly, well half jokingly. You did have to admit you were looking forward to the food.

Yaoyorozu chuckled and began to lead you over to a long table that had neatly set up food on it. Each and every plate looked as if it was crafted by the Gods and all the food looked more like art than anything else. Your mouth began to water immediately.

"This is amazing." You said and grabbed a bun, shoving it in your mouth.

Yaoyorozu shook her head with a playful smile. "You're definitely one of a kind Y/n. I'm going to go find my parents to let them know I'm back, you stay here okay? I don't want to end up losing the only good thing in this hell."

"No place I would rather be than with all the food."

Yaoyorozu then left you, you looked around the room. The room was filled with gentle music as people danced, talked and ate. It was definitely a new view to experience. You shrugged off the fact that you didn't fit in this type of event and grabbed a drink from a bowl. You took a sip to find out it was alcohol. Your eyes widened at the bitter taste as you nearly spit it out.

"Now who the hell makes alcoholic beverages look like normal drinks.." You muttered, staring at your cup of unidentified alcoholic beverage.

You looked around like a thief in a store, once the coast was clear you took another swig. Your face scrunched slightly from the strong taste.

"Hello." An unfamiliar voice spoke out from behind you.

Your skin wanted to jump from your bones, you jumped a good foot into the air, slamming the cup back down on the table as if you weren't just drinking it. You turned around to face the person who scared the daylights from you. With a heavy guilty aroma and look you gave them a small smile.

"H..hi?" You tried to compose yourself.

You studied the boy who stood in front of you. He looked around your age but he was unfamiliar. He was dressed in a nice expensive suit and looked presentable, you assumed it was a son of one of Yaoyorozu's parent's friends.

"I'm Nishi Ryo, it's nice to meet you." He held his hand out.

With a bit of confusion you shook his hand, you tried your best not to make anything more awkward than it already was.

"I'm Y/l Y/n, it's nice to meet you too." You gave him a friendly smile, he seemed like a nice individual.

"You're new, I haven't seen you here in the past before." His eyes studied you.

"Oh! I came with Yaoyorozu." You explained.

"That makes sense, so are you a hero in training too?" He asked genuinely.

"I sure am. Yaoyorozu and I are actually in the same class too."

"Oh that's cool, can you show me your quirk? I wasn't born with one but they fascinate me." He asked excitedly.

You smiled, feeling happy someone was so fascinated by you. You nodded and let toxins seep from your skin onto your hand into a little dark purple ball that hovered above your palm slightly. To show off you turned it into a rope of toxins and let it swirl around your arm. Nishi's eyes lit up in fascination.

"I can release toxins from my body in a liquid state or a gas state, but I cant use my gas here for obvious reasons. I can also transform my body into toxic liquid." You told him, letting the toxin seep back into your body.

"Oh Y/l you're so cool. Quirks are so amazing."

"You really think so? Well even if you're quirkless you can still go to UA or become a hero. We have a support class that helps heroes and works with them all the time and no quirk needed."

"Well.. My parents want me to take over the company when I'm older, so I don't really have much freedom for what I want to be." He fiddled his thumbs and looked at the ground with a pout.

"It's your life isn't it? So who says they can take control of you like that. I say you do what you want, don't live in their shadow.'' You encouraged him.

He looked up from the ground to you, his cheeks flushed with a pink blush. "Wow you're so cool!" He swooned.

You laughed softly.

"Uhm.. Y/l.. Do you want to with me?" He said nervously with a bright blush.

You frowned immediately, you didn't see that coming. Suddenly a hand placed itself on your hip and another on your shoulder from behind. They were a pair of familiar slender and feminine hands. Yaoyorozu's perfume filled your nose so you knew it was her for sure. Nishi looked up at Yaoyorozu, she had a good 3 inches on him. He began to fiddle with his thumbs more nervously.

"There you are Y/n." She said with one of those fake friendly smiles that could pierce through people's souls. Her hands gripped you a little harder than usual.

'She's jealous..' You thought in surprise.

"O..oh, hi Yaoyorozu." Nishi stuttered nervously.

"I was just about to ask my girlfriend if she wanted to dance." Yaoyorozu's smile turned to a soft one when she looked at you.

Nishi looked a little shocked and angered at the same time. Yaoyorozu shot him another passive aggressive smile to warn him.

"You two have fun then.." He muttered.

"Oh we will, don't you worry." Yaoyorozu said.

While Nishi was sulking away you called out his name.

"Nishi wait!" He stopped to look at you. "Remember what I said, don't let them control you. You have potential." You gave him an apologetic smile.

His frown faded back into an inspired smile. He gave a large nod and shuffled away out of sight. Yaoyorozu finally let go of you, allowing you to turn and look at her.

"Wow." Is all you had to say.

"What?" She said, genuinely confused.

"Don't you act so innocent, he just had a little crush. Of course I was going to let him down, but I was going to let him down nicely! You came over and stared daggers through the poor boy." You giggled and hit her arm gently.

"Oh honey, you don't know Nishi like I do, my parents once tried to set me up with him. He gets a crush on any girl who shows him a sliver of kindness, but I don't blame him for going after you. I mean who wouldn't." She winked.

"So are you going to steal his dance or not?" You arched a brow playfully.

"Are you still up for a dance my dear?"

"Of course I am."

"𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭" 𝐀 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭. Yaoyorozu x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now