11|mancanza di fiducia

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mancanza di fiducia:(n.) Lack of trust in italian.

This is ridiculous already and what is more ridiculous is my two cousins' argument

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This is ridiculous already and what is more ridiculous is my two cousins' argument.

"Ha ordinato, quindi stai zitto."I yelled in an attempt to stop this bullshit. Brio and Fabrizio stood silent behind the stool, both looking at me. I kept staring at them, daring them to utter a single word. (He ordered, so shut up)

After moments of quietness, Brio opened his mouth to argue when Fabrizio was quick to say, disbelief filled his voice"Ti fidi davvero di Valentina Los Santos Azvedo .Puoi fare molto meglio, Emilio."(Do you really trust Valentina Los Santos Azvedo? You can do so much better, Emilio.)

Do I trust that bitch? No way in damned hell I would.

When I didn't protest, Brio stepped in"E se l'avesse usata come una trappola, vuole avere la possibilità di sbatterti in prigione? "He shook his head a couple of times, throwing his hand in the air. As always Zeus is sitting at the corner of the room looking unbothered with either one of us, doing god knows what on his phone. (What if she used this as a trap, she wants a chance to shove you into jail.)

I stood up, wanting to leave, I will meet Valentina after 20 minutes."Se lei sceglierà di agire in modo intelligente, io sarò più intelligence."(If she will choose to act smart, I will be smarter.) I informed them with a smirk.

I closed the car door behind me, adjusting my gun in my waistband.


I can not believe myself. I am waiting for my enemy to help me.

At her presence, I lose my cool, my lips pangs in hatred, my stomach churns, my gut twitches in anger not to forget the itch feeling of my fingers to crush the shit out of her bones and neck.

She is a pro at playing with my nerves.

I parked my car under an old big tree next to Valentina's house, it was full of colours, life and hope unlike my death like one.

I unlocked the door to step out then leaned with my hands crossed on my vichelle.

I swear she is making me wait on purpose. I just know that and it is annoying as fuck.

Finally, she appeared, swaying her hips as she covered the distance between us.

I took in the way her silky, cherry, shoulder-length hair rested at the level of her neck. Her red squared shirt hugged her upper body perfectly along with the mid-thigh black skirt showing two perfect defined legs.

I raised my eyes to meet her sapphire ones, under them several scares. She was silently urging me to say something.

"Did you find its location?" I questioned completely doubting that she did.

"Yes, I did" She answered, removing a paper from her pocket, waving it at me.

I extended my hand to take the paper but she backed hers away.

"That wasn't the deal, give me and take this, or go leave with nothing." She deadpanned calmly, clutching the paper tightly.

I did not bother to hide the amusement from my face. Nevertheless, I expected her to react like this so I said" If you want the evidence, we will go to the port. One of my men there will give us a flash drive containing what you need." She nodded in understanding, her eyes exploring my body, every part.

I didn't wait for her response as I began strolling towards my Lambo.

"I don't want to be in the same car as you Emilio." Her voice sounded from a near distance. I turned my head to see her standing in front of hers.

"Are you afraid that I might kill you, Valentina?" I nearly laughed at her. She hadn't responded yet which confirmed the question.

"You know, if I wanted you dead, whether you were in my car or the middle of your house, I could kill without a blink," I exclaimed, catching a glimpse of her hidden gun.

"And yet, I am still here." Valentina narrowed her eyes at me, suspiciously, lacking trust.

"Don't worry, amore. Your death will come in the future." She scrunched her nose in disgust at my nickname for her.

She hesitated for a minute before she followed me and stepped in after I did.

The engine started with a roar. I drove in complete silence neither one of us bothered to break. One second I catch her staring at my hands on the steering wheel while the other at my face.

Every time I look at her, she would glare away at the window. I peeked at her secretly from the corner of my eyes. Neither one of us bothered to break the silence.

We arrived after an awkward drive at the port. It was busy as always.

The man I hired for this investigation is supposed to be waiting for us next to a black car and container.

Valentina is before me by a small distance. I watch her round ass as she walks, I change my steps into large ones because I don't like the idea of her being ahead.

I spot the man as we inch towards him. He runs nervously to stop and give me the USB and leave instantly.

What the fuck?

The sea is facing us, Valentina twists her head in my direction, her eyes studying me, probably wondering what am I thinking.

I glare at her not caring to break the eye contact. "So..." She drawls, wanting to discover what is next."Give me this and the location will be with you."

I raise my hand and place the flash drive on her palm, my hand brushing her soft warm skin for a few seconds.
In return, I have the paper.

Now I am ready to gain millions of money. She disappeared to test it, leaving me alone.

I see her shadow approaching me, she yanks me by the shoulder to overlook her. Her face is the definition of calmness, steadiness.

"Emilio." She steps forward, few inches apart. She stands on her toes, her strawberry breath fanning my lips. Our chests touched lightly, I can feel her nipples hardening. She leans tilts her head to the left, tracing my face's feature, her fingertips sliding from my hair to my eyebrows then to the side of my lips, slowly and locking her eyes on them.

"I know you did it and I will prove, despite the times you will try and stop me"A hint of Latin accent appears in her voice as she continues "This war between us will end at some point. There will either be one winner or together we will sink into an endless, huge, dark hole and let the better one find his escape from it" Her eyes move from mine to my lips in a swift motion. Valentina presses her nails into my muscled chest, trying to nudge me but she fails from the first try. I give her a blank look, that is silly and meaningless.

Then to my surprise, she elbows my balls, well that hurts. I clutched my balls in pain then her hands push my body to meet the cold water. Water cascade all my physique, wetting my clothes. Before my head drowns she sneered" This is the result of your actions, many more is still waiting" The echo of her heels faded as I tried to swim up.

 Before my head drowns she sneered" This is the result of your actions, many more is still waiting" The echo of her heels faded as I tried to swim up

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𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓 𝐓𝐄𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍Where stories live. Discover now