Lost in YOU!

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Chaitanya's POV:

We came to my friend's farmhouse near Chennai. This house is an absolute beauty, a small house attached with a big farm a typical country house. He also had two beautiful white ladies in his backyard, Ameeta fell in love with those ladies and they too loved Ameeta. Then we both ride on them, the beautiful white horses, after a while we both stopped in a place, there was a big tree which extended its branches and protects us from the evening sun, it's quite hot here even in the evening. We grabbed our picnic box and got closer to the tree that time a cool breeze welcomed us, I have never experienced this in a million years since I live in Mumbai, I hardly see trees and this is a special day with the person whom I love the most. Feels like typical Korean dramas(I love 'em). This LDR was very tough for us but each and every mile is worthy for my angel. Every day I work hard and rushed back home just to see her face on facetime and hear her voice, she motivated me to do what I wanted to do. She has always been by my side and supported me. I am obsessed with her. I find complacent in her beautiful smile, we both never spent time as a lovey-dovey couple. I think we can spend some time together after she comes to my place as my manager, it will be fun but at the same time, a small fear is sticking on me that I may hurt her by my tantrums more than before because I am started being territorial on her, I know this shouldn't happen, but I am trying so hard to control my anger for the sake for Ameeta and she has been the medicine for all my pain, I have also stopped taking my pills and other addictives that gives me temporary relief. My first love has broken my heart, it can't be the same heart anymore because Tisha not just broke my heart, she also destroyed it. But Ameeta collected each piece that was shattered around everywhere and fixed it, yeah, the scars do exist, but she decorated it with beautiful pearls. I just can't stop looking at this angel, I got a surprise for Ameeta. I got it long ago but I want to see her reaction to this in person so I didn't reveal this to her incall. My thoughts were interrupted when she called me.

Chaitanya: Yeah, Boo

Ameeta: I need to ask you a question?

Chaitanya: Hey, what happened?

Ameeta: Well, this is the same question in another version. Do you still love me, you didn't get bored since it's an LDR

Chaitanya: Yeah, I didn't love you the same way I loved you last year.

Ameeta: What?

Chaitanya: Now I am madly in love with you more than a lover you have become a part of me, I can't survive without you anymore. Your smile and your words have been my constant source of energy that pushing me to move forward. You gave hope to my life and meaning to my existence.

Ameeta: Chaitu, you're making me cry. You know once I started, I won't stop.

Chaitanya: My little sobbing baby.

Ameeta: Shut up!!

Chaitanya: Ameeta, tell me your signature phrase for me.

Ameeta: I can say that all day.

Chaitanya: I always loved to hear that; I have also recorded while you're saying that.

Ameeta: Oh, my Gawd! Look at my cheesy Chaitu

Chaitanya: Do you remember that small sheet in which you wrote that phrase for the first time while you're heading back home.

Ameeta: Yeah, a small kinda love letter, I thought my handwriting would remind me whenever you see that but you must have lost it.

Chaitanya: Actually not, I kept it in my purse and treasured it. Even I fear losing the first letter from my lady love, so I made something with that. I will tell you later. Now look at this

{Chaitanya showed his arms in which he inked letter A with a quill.}

Ameeta: Are you freaking serious? Is this is a real one?

Chaitanya: It is, I got it inked before 2 months. But I want to show it when I meet you.

Ameeta: Really ( in a broken voice)

Ameeta was literally in tears on seeing them she slowly landed her hands on the tattoo and felt it and all of the sudden started to break down and cried like a baby.

Chaitanya: Hey, look at me. Why are you crying, you must be happy right?

Ameeta: Yes, I am happy but...

Chaitanya: Then?

Ameeta: Happy tears...

Chaitanya: In that case save some more, I have a bigger one for you.

Ameeta: What?

Chaitanya: Now let me explain this tattoo. A represents Ms. Ameeta in the future Mrs. Chaitanya, okay I can see your red face so don't try hard to hide 'em, calm down(small smirk). The quill on the leg of A says that Ameeta is rewriting my life story.

Ameeta buried her face into me, and I was like aww "my blushing baby, how did I miss this special feature in her?' haha

Chaitanya: Now can you please take your face your hair is tickling me.

Ameeta: Stuuupidddd!

Chaitanya: Okay now look at this

{He inked a phrase "My Chaitu can do anything and I am always with you" in Ameeta's handwriting itself, He just traced that paper and then inked it. It seems like Ameeta herself wrote it on his Chest. It was accurate.}

Chaitanya: Now I can't lose my first love letter from you; it will be buried with me in the coffin when I die. It makes me feel your presence in me, I feel like you're always with me. What happened? You don't love this?

Ameeta: You must be kidding, say me this is just a prank.

Chaitanya: This is real,

Ameeta: No, this is surreal

Ameeta just screamed and cried at the end she ended up in her same position, on my shoulder, and gave a peck, I was living my dream life with my loved one

Chaitanya: Shall we live here like this?

Ameeta: Please, don't go back. Come with me.

Chaitanya: Where?

Ameeta: To my home, I will hide you in my room under my study table, just the way Mike hides Eleven in the Stranger things.

Chaitanya: I would be happy, but you can't hide me there. You little kiddo

Ameeta: Okay, but I don't want to stay away from you. When will you come back?

Chaitanya: Next time you should come and meet me in Mumbai.

Ameeta: OHHH SHITTTT! How did I forget I didn't prepare for my exam? Take me home.

Chaitanya: Yeah, I am also running out of time. I am flying back to London for a promo shoot.

Ameeta: With that same model? (Raised her eyebrows)

Chaitanya: Yeah, but you will be with me.

Ameeta: Hahaha, Chaitu I am just losing myself into you, I am drowning in the ocean of love.

Chaitanya: But I have lost myself in you long ago. I will never regret that.

Awww, these two are giving me damn goosebumps while writing!!!! 

Meet you all in the next over....................

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