Face to Face

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Even though Ameeta said "that's me" Harsha didn't believe and she was very excited about sharing the video with her friends and discussing it and even Ameeta is not in a mood to prove anything to her, so she just lay down on the bed and started to think. She didn't sleep that night.

In the flight

Chaitanya was sitting in his seat and just thinking about Ameeta and he wasn't happy about the incident but his friends around him were excited about this incident and continuously discussed it." someone seems to get many things these days", "living his bachelor life in the best way", "I think in future men to will do this too" few of them passed comments playfully but Chaitanya was only thinking about Ameeta, he couldn't call her. He was tensed and anxious, he was cussing that fangirl. He was constantly touching the tattoo on the chest and his hands were shaking, Shrey who is sitting next to him noticed his face and shivering hands "Hey what happened man?" Shrey questioned. "What if Ameeta left me after seeing this video," Chaitanya said in a broken voice, his eyeballs were dancing in tension, his hands were touching the tattoo in his chest. "Hey, this is not a serious issue at all, she won't mistake you. Leave it" Shrey replied to Chaitanya who is very anxious.

A fellow player who is seated on the back seat overheard their conversation & interrupted the "Hey bro this is not a matter, it happens often, so chill she will understand. If she believes you, she won't ask you anything", he said and also added that if she doesn't trust just leave her, look so simple". "What leaving her, that's impossible. But I know she will believe me and more than that it isn't a matter", Chaitanya said in a happy tone and released a satisfied sigh.

But it matters to Ameeta she felt so insecure about it, it's not her fault nobody can watch such a scene. Ameeta was continuously thinking about many things and she didn't even have a little sleep that night. She was continuously checking social media which benefited her more anxiety. The Next morning, he himself called her after reaching the destination. "Hey what happened to you?" Chaitanya asked in shock after seeing Ameeta's reddish swollen teary eyes.

"Because I am in a relationship with a national crush who allows his fans to kiss him in public" she murmured while crying "hey babe do you think I allowed her to do and loved that moment, I thought you would trust me but you didn't" Chaitanya replied also added, "stop overthinking". "How can I stop overthinking; I am feeling very insecure" Ameeta shouted in anger. Chaitanya has never seen Ameeta like this after yelling to Chaitanya she just broke down and cried.

Even though Chaitanya didn't feel sorry in the beginning, he can't see her in tears. Now a pang of guilt just stuck on him, he started in breaking voice "Ameeta sorry I didn't know that this incident will disturb you to this level", "I thought you would understand me and take it easy but I never know that it broke your heart". "Yeah, it broke my heart but not when she ran after you, your careless answer literally broke my heart into pieces" Ameeta replied. Also added that "I never expected this from you Chaitu, and sorry for shouting at you".

"Ameeta I am extremely sorry and please don't apologize, you didn't do anything that would hurt me," Chaitanya said.

"Look Chaitanya all I wanted is some consoling words from you but you can't understand my feeling this hurts me more. Please try to understand me, to be frank, I feel so insecure about you. We are in LDR and more than that you're a perfect man that every girl is dying for. I'm feeling very insecure about everything that is happening around us. This isn't about trust and stuffs it's all about my insecurities, so please understand me at least give it a try", Ameeta exclaimed.

Somehow this problem came to an end Ameeta happily moved to Mumbai and joined Chaitanya's Label, she thought that everything would be fine but things got even worse when they both are around each other. Chaitanya became overprotective towards Ameeta, they both came from different backgrounds Chaitanya can't realize some basic things which Ameeta is expecting because of his high-class friendship, it will take time to settle.


Meet you all in the next over......

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