Five-This Can't Be Happening!

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This Can't Be Happening!

Throughout the remainder of the day, Alex and Izzi texted me about the people to avoid as well. One was Lauren Benjamin, the second richest girl in the school. Luckily, I managed to escape her presence during the whole school day though I did get to see her interact with some students who would maybe be considered outcasts at other schools. She was downright horrible to them, telling them to move out of her path and that they weren't worthy to stand anywhere near her presence.

The luck ran out however when the final bell rang. The other person they warned me about was Luke Montgomery who was the hottest guy in school and the slimiest. He was a major hit it and quit type and slept with at least half of the girls in the school and unfortunately for me I wasn't able to avoid him. 

I was getting some of my new books for homework out of my locker and when I closed it, there he stood nearly scaring the bejesus out of me. I didn't know who he was and Alex and Izzi had a newspaper meeting so I couldn't ask either of them who he was so I tried my hardest to be nice even though his grin was creeping me out for some reason. I felt like if he had x-ray vision he would be totaling using it on me right about now. Thank the stars comic books weren't real!

"Hi, can I help you?" I asked. 

He leaned over the lockers as he folded his arms up, giving me the most wicked grin.

"Yeah, I believe you can. You're the new girl, Anya Little, right?"

I didn't think with a school this size that I would be the talk of the school, but I guess that was high school for you. It's never too big for gossip to spread like wildfire. 

"Yes..." I answered as I closed my locker. 

"Hi, I'm Luke, captain of the football team, basketball team, and lacrosse team" he said, offering his hand for me to shake, "and you see it's my job to ensure that all the newbies feel welcomed and at home."

My eyes went up as I gathered why I felt a creep vibe from him and I immediately saw why he was named the hottest guy in school. He had the whole king of the jocks, blond hair baby blue eyes and pecks for days going on under his tight athletic shirt. This of course didn't deter me from remembering their warnings about him or my spidey senses alerting me that he wasn't as charming as he appeared. 

"Luke Montgomery, right?" I mocked, taking his hand warily.

"The one and only. You didn't hear anything bad being spread about me did you? Because their all lies!" 

Usually when someone says this it means the total opposite. 

" Just that you're the most popular guy in school and you are super friendly." I laughed in my head for I wanted to say something not as pleasant about what they actually said about him.

"Indeed I am. So, if you need anything, I'm your guy."

"Well thanks but I've already gotten my fair share of help today."

"Well, it doesn't hurt to have more. Here let me help you with those." He said taking a glance down at the textbooks in my hands. 

"Oh no I..." He took the books from me before I could get a good grip on them.

I sighed and started walking towards the front as he followed close behind me. I could feel him checking me out which made me walk even faster towards the entrance. 

When I finally got to the door, I reluctantly turned towards him and reached for my books. "Thanks."

"No problem. Do you maybe need a lift home?" He asked as he handed the books back to me. 

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