Twenty-Six The Meeting

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The Meeting

It was nerve wracking to say the least as I waited for Tyler to knock on the door. I hoped with all hopes that he would be able to materialize like before, but what made it even more nerve wracking is the fact that he would have to be interrogated by my mother who I knew was going to be a grill master.

My mom and I were setting the table when the knock came at the door. It was Tyler.

My mom beat me to the door. "Hi, Tyler. Its so nice of you to join us. I wish I could say I've heard a lot about you."

"Well, I've heard a lot of about you."

"Well come in," she said gesturing for him to come in. He walked into the room and followed her into the dining room. "It's great that we finally get to use this room."

"Your house is truly splendid."

"Why thank you Tyler. Where do you live in LA?"

"I um..." He started but I quickly jumped in.

"He doesn't really. He just visits a lot. His cousin lives in LA," I answered for him.

"So where do you live if not in LA?"

"Hidden Valley." I uttered before he could say anything.

"Anya for God's sake let the boy get an answer in. That's a bit of ways from here."

"Yeah, just about an hour from here, not too bad of a commute." He spoke.

"What are your intentions with my daughter?" My mom asked going straight in for the kill and making me spit out my food. I noticed Tyler was rearranging his to make it look like he was eating.

"I um...I really love your daughter Mrs. Little and my intentions are for us to be together for as long as possible."

"For as long as possible? You say that like it's not going to last."

"No, I just mean I want us to last forever as silly and as juvenile as that may sound but I know the reality is when she goes away to college, things may change but I'm willing to change with her if she will allow me to."

"Are you currently in college?"

"No, just working right now."

"But you do intend to go to college?"

"Mom, can you please stop with the third degree?"

"I'm just trying to get to know the boy whose shagging my daughter better."

"Again I am so sorry about that. We kind of just got carried away. It won't happen again." He lied.

"That's a lie if I ever heard one." My mom snorted. "It will happen again and I am not one of those moms that will keep their child from growing up but I will demand that you guys practice safe sex and not to do it in my home."

Can't promise that mom, I wanted to say but we both nodded in agreement. We would just have to be very quiet.

"Last question."

"Shoot," he said.

"Do you not like the food I made, you barely touched your plate." My mom exclaimed, taking a swig of her wine.

"I'm actually not feeling so well. I apologize."

"I have aspirin if you need it in the guest bathroom."

"I'll show him where it's at mom."

Once out of earshot of my mother, I started with a whisper. "How are you holding up?"

"I don't know how much longer I can hold up. I can feel myself starting to fade."

"Let's get you out of here then." I grabbed his hand and led him towards the door.

"Mom, something came up and he really has to go now."

"But we haven't even had dessert yet."

"Another time." He said apologetically. "It was so lovely to meet you and I hope we can do this again sometime."

"I will be looking forward to it."

He walked out of the door and I saw as he faded away on the porch. Luckily my mom was in the dining room and couldn't see that.

"So?" I began.

"So what?" My mom questioned, taking another big swig of her wine.

"He's great isn't he?" I chimed.

"He's definitely something but just be careful Anya. There's something about him that just seems morbid. Already looking for the end of something is not a good sign. Believe me I know. I've been there."

"He's not like any of the guys you've dated mom."

"You say that because you're in love. You're not going to see what I see."

"No, I say that because its true. All you've ever dated were jerks. Tyler is far from a jerk."

"Maybe so but I still can't shake the feeling that something is not quite right. But maybe its just a mother's worry."

I knew deep down the intuition she was feeling was true. Tyler wasn't quite right because he wasn't alive and no matter how much I didn't want to see the end of this, I knew that it was fast approaching. 

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