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Stressful would be the understatement of the century in terms of how I was feeling right about now.

It was already bad enough that I had to be uprooted in the middle of my senior year without protest might I add (which for a seventeen-year-old is impeccable!) but living in a haunted house was definitely the straw that broke the camel's back!

Haunted might be a bit of an exaggeration considering the guy who's "haunting" me is one hot ghost and he's not really haunting me, more like annoying me at best.

Hold on. I know what you're thinking...

How can a ghost be hot? How can a ghost even be real?

They don't exist.

Well boy do I have news for you...They do exist!

Before our move to California, I definitely thought shows like Ghost Hunters and Rhode Island Medium was a load of crock and perhaps it is still a load of crock, but my Casper the friendly ghost sure isn't.

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