Thirty-Three-The Truth

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The Truth

When I woke up, I was in the hospital.

"Oh honey you're finally awake."

"How long have I been out?"

"A couple of days. I didn't know what to do. The doctors say they've never seen a case quite like this. They ran tests to see what it might be but the only thing they have come up with is that you have some kind of hypothermia."

"But how? I feel fine."

"Do you really? You're so cold, honey."

"Other than a bit light-headed, I feel fine."

"Well regardless you're going to be staying here until the doctors can figure out what's going on with you."

"But I can't. I have to turn something in."

"You can do that once you're better."

"But mom I..."

"No ifs ands or buts about it, young lady. You are far too sick to do anything right now."

"Where's Tyler?"

"He was here earlier, but he had to go and do something. You shouldn't be worrying about him though. You need to rest."

"I'm here," he said coming into the room.

My mom gave him a look. 

"Mom can I please talk to Tyler alone."

"I said I wouldn't leave you."


"Alright but only for a minute. I'll be down the hall getting you something hot to drink."


Once my mom was out of earshot, I started. "What happened?"

"You were passed out after the vision. I couldn't wake you up. I thought you died for a minute there. Luckily your mom came in as I started to disappear. I was out for a while as well. That vision was too much."

"But we have it don't we."

"We do and now all that needs to happen is you getting better."

"What if I don't get better. What if she meant that these visions were what was keeping me in danger. The Her is actually Annie."

"You are going to get better. You have to," Tyler screeched out, putting his mouth to my forehead and kissing it.


We turned to see it was Alex. It was hard to look at her knowing that she might now be parentless.

"Hey Alex!" I responded.

"Hey Alex," Tyler also said.

"Hey guys, I came as soon as I heard the news. Your mother told me that you were suffering from some kind of hypothermia. Do you think the visions have something to do with it?"


"What did you see to make you go into a coma?"

"I think right now isn't a good time to talk about it. She needs to get her strength back up," Tyler saved.

"You're right. You need to get your strength back up." Alex agreed.

Soon they were gone, and it was only my mom by my side as she requested for both to leave for a while. I didn't want Tyler to leave but he said he would be back as soon as he could. I almost forgot he couldn't stay materialized for a long period of time.

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