Two-Unwinding with Red Wine

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Unwinding with Red Wine

Throughout most of the day of unloading, I thought or rather hoped he or anyone from the house might come out at least once. There were no cars in the driveway to tell if anyone lived there. He appeared to look no older than twenty, which meant he had to come out sometime. Most guys his least most guys that looked like him...never stayed in for long. As the day went on, this happened to not be the case. Many of our other neighbors started pulling into their driveways, waved, and proceeded into their homes. Hot guy next door was still nowhere to be found.

Eventually the movers from the U-Haul company in the Palms area that my mom called came to help bring the larger items in the house which briefly took my mind off the guy. They were in and out though, so it was short-lived. I didn't know why I had become so obsessed about a cute guy that probably thought I was a creep anyways. Normally I would just shrug it off because I knew besides not having a chance in hell, we always moved before anything could get started anyways but something seemed different about this guy. I couldn't quite shake the feeling that I had to know who he was and that was just not like me. I never gave a crap about anyone we came across in a new town as to protect myself from caring when we left.

I tried once and regretted it when my mom gave us the news that we would no longer be living there.

As the sun started to set, I gave up hope until a woman in a baby blue Prius pulled into the driveway across the street from us beside a large red F-150 pickup truck that had been there since we arrived. My mother was in the house putting away a trunk of her clothes. This was my chance to find out who that guy in the window was.

As she got out of the car, I noticed that she had a bit of a bohemian chic style to her with a mixed print ruffled long sleeved dress and brown colored booties that matched her wide brim fedora hat. Underneath her wheat hat was miles and miles of curly honey blond hair which complemented her natural tone makeup except for the light pink blush on her cheeks that made her look very sweet and innocent. From this, I assessed that she might be somewhat approachable.

I quickly went over to her before she could reach her front door.

"Hi excuse me. I'm sorry to bother you but my name's Anya. My mom and I just moved in across the street." I pointed towards our new home.

She turned to me with a huge smile and gushed, "Oh hi there. I'm Susie!" She held out her hand for me to shake which I took promptly. "Nice to meet you and welcome to the neighborhood! You guys just got in?"

"Thanks. It's so nice to meet you as well and yes, we just got in this morning."

"Oh, how great! Where from?"

"New York."

"Oh wow, I bet this is a big transition. Isn't it like 20 degrees right now over there?"

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