Eighteen-Romeo and Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet

And like clockwork, as soon as I got to my room that night, Tyler was propped on my bed as if he hadn't been gone in the last few weeks.

"Long time no see," he spouted, with his arms over his head, looking as gleefully as ever. This really seemed to tick me off. How could he be so happy when I had been so miserable these past few weeks wondering where he was? If he maybe crossed over.

"Where the hell have you been?" I folded up my arms.

His smile turned into a grimace. He got to his feet at once and came over to me.

"Trust me, you don't want to know."

I raised my eyebrows at him wanting him to elaborate.

"Trust me, I do. I was worried sick."

"You were worried about me?" He smirked.

"Don't get your knickers all in a bunch. I was just hoping you didn't land yourself into a hell dimension. If you are really innocent, that would be horrible," I exclaimed to downplay my concern. I really had been worried shitless but I didn't want him to get a big head about it.

"Ok if you say so but I think I was in a dimension... another realm that the dead can go, a realm I hope to never encounter again. I just don't know if that would be what people think of hell. It just seemed like a really dark empty void of nothingness that sucks out all the joy you've ever felt and replaces it with all the guilt and bad that you've ever felt until there is nothing to hold on to."

"Okay that definitely sounds like hell."

"Or some kind of element of it. I was trying to see if I could remember more after that night we got high and I ended up in this dark place somehow. It started torturing me and making me think about all the bad memories I had from my dad abusing my mom, to my mom abusing herself with the drugs, and then something even more horrible..."


"I don't know if I can..."

"Please just say it."

He put his hands on either side of my shoulders giving me a major rush.

"Annie. I saw her shot, but I didn't see who shot her. Over and over again it kept replaying and it made me think for a moment that maybe I was the one who did it."

I put my arms around him and hugged him. He put his head on my chest as he began to sob.

"You didn't." I consoled as I rubbed his head. Seeing him this way really seemed to do a number on me. I found myself teary eyed.

I waited for a long while for him to say something. Anything that would let me know he was okay. He sniffled and then looked at me, making me feel so shaken.

"How can you even be sure? Just a few weeks ago you weren't very sure."

Looking in his sullen eyes, all I could see was innocence there. He did not have the look of a murderer but of course there wasn't really a look to a natural born killer but deep in my soul, I knew he couldn't hurt a fly.

"I'm sure now, and I have been trying to find answers while you were away."

We finally broke apart and moved over to the bed. It felt so good to have him this close to me again. My emptiness was completely filled with warm fuzziness again. I hated myself for feeling this way especially when this would come to an end very soon.

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