Chapter 132 (Part 2): End of Volume 1

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[Parts 2-5 of the last chapter posted here are taken from the postscript of the original author]

Out of the closet

It was only a few months later that Song Yan's left leg recovered.

At this time, Xia Lin received Song Huaixin's treatment. He obeyed Ke Mei's opinion and needed to stay in the hospital for observation until it was determined that the root of the disease was completely eliminated. 

Song Yan wanted to accompany him to the hospital but he received an urgent call from Father Song.

Song Yan actually didn't care much about his parents but whether he was in his previous life or in this life, he was a little worried about his father.

He guessed that the old man must have heard some rumors about him and Xia Lin because he personally sent a message for him to go back. 

In his previous life, Yu Luotong suffered a lot at the hands of the old man. In this life, it was changed to Xia Lin. 

Xia Lin is backed by the Xia family, not like Yu Luotong who has no background and can be manipulated by others. But if this leads to a vicious struggle between the two big families, it is not what Song Yan would like to see.

So this time, he decided to change his strategy, turning from passive to active. After entrusting Xia Lin to Xia Liang, he drove back to City D.

As soon as Mother Song heard that her son was coming back, she waited at the door early in the morning. When she saw Song Yan coming out of the car, tears poured out of her eyes. She greeted Song Yan and took his hand. 

Wiping her tears, she whispered: "I heard your dad say that someone saw that your legs and feet are healed. I still don't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true! I'd go to the temple every month to worship the Bodhisattva. Now that your wish has finally come true, you have to accompany me to the temple."

Song Yan took Mother Song's hand and walked home. Although he himself did not believe in Buddhism, he knew that for those who believe in Buddhism, vocation is very important so he immediately followed his mother's will.

"Let's do it. You set the date, just tell me."

Mother Song wiped away her tears.

"Do you still have your mother in your heart? You have been back in China for so long but you didn't come home to see us. If it wasn't for your father hearing from outside..." 

She suddenly got stuck in the middle of her speech and carefully glanced at Father Song who was sitting in the living room. 

Father Song had a stern face, sitting on the sofa without talking. Grandfather Song is also sitting on the other side, drinking tea as if he hadn't seen Song Yan come in at all. 

Mother Song secretly bumped Song Yan with her elbow then Song Yan walked to the sofa and said respectfully: "Grandpa, Dad, I'm back."

Father Song raised his eyelids and glanced at him: "Is it because your grandfather didn't say anything so you stayed in City B and didn't go back to City D?"

Song Yan smiled: "Dad, I stayed in City B mainly to take care of Xia Lin. He was ill and it was dangerous. Fortunately, he has been healed. I originally thought to wait until he totally recovers from his illness and I'll immediately return to City D. He has not fully recovered now and Grandpa hasn't spoken so I haven't rushed back."

The Song family had heard about Xia Lin's illness from the Xia family but at the same time, they had also heard about the rumors between these two which were not very pleasant to hear in the business district.

In recent years, the Xia family has basically handed over the power of the patriarch to Xia Liang. Xia Liang comforted his parents. After making up their minds on this matter, they will take control depending on how the Song family expresses their opinion. If the Song family recognizes Xia Lin, they will be all right.

However, the Song family only has a single seedling which is Song Yan. Recognizing Xia Lin means that their Song family is about to wean off children and grandchildren so they firmly cannot accept such a thing. 

Mother Song pulled Song Yan to sit down next to her and whispered: "Son, Mom will ask you a question. You have to answer honestly."

"Say, you and Xia really..." 

Song Yan said, "Mom, do you remember what I said to you at the family dinner with Xia's family a few years ago?"

Mother Song was startled but didn't respond immediately.

"At that time, I told you that I have someone I like. I chased him for a long time but unfortunately, I couldn't catch up. Now, I finally caught up and he finally agreed to be with me. That person is not someone's daughter. It is Xia Lin."


Father Song shouted violently and dropped the cup to the ground, making a sharp noise.

Mother Song was startled. While comforting Father Song, she scolded her son: "You silly boy don't want a good girl. What are you doing chasing after Xia Lin? What do you think of him?"

Song Yan thought for a while and said sincerely, "I like everything about him." 

"You--" Mother Song was speechless. 

At this time, Grandpa Song opened up: "Song Yan, have you thought about the consequences of doing this?"

"I've thought about it." 

Song Yan knew the consequences of doing this. In his previous life, he had experienced it in person. 

The old man's question was completely in his expectation so when he decided to come out from the closet, all countermeasures have been considered.

Grandpa Song didn't expect him to be so calm but he was curious: "Then tell me, what are the consequences?"

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