Chapter 132 (Part 3): End of Volume 1

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"You will restrict me financially, weaken my voice in the family business, and suspend the progress of all projects in my hands; it is even possible that you will secretly stumble in business cooperation with the Xia family, put pressure on me and Xia Lin to force us to break up."

There was a surprised look on Father Song's face. He discussed the countermeasures with Grandpa Song all night.

Grandpa Song also raised his eyebrows unexpectedly: "Since you know everything, how do you plan to respond?"

"First of all, financially, I am completely independent. The money my mom sends me every month is transferred to the support account that I gave to you, and it's just a fraction of it. In other words, I am fully capable of supporting you, not relying on you to support me."

"Second, although I still have a few projects in the family business, this is not my main business. In the past few years in the United States, I have formed my own team and developed my own industry. We have invested in Song Group to varying degrees. Although the amount of each investment is not large, the total amount of investment is almost 30% of the shares. If you want to expel me from the family business, it is actually alright. For me, the loss is not large but in contrast, the industries under my name will gradually withdraw from the Song Group. For the Song family, the loss is a bit large."

"What?!" Grandpa Song and Father Song looked at each other in disbelief.

Father Song looked at Song Yan incredulously, "Thirty percent? How could it be possible? Don't think you can fool around with these indispensable properties!"

"If you don't believe me, you can check it out. I checked the backgrounds of all the investment companies one by one. They were all invested by these companies. You may not be very clear about it but if you want to verify them one by one, I will let my assistant send all the information to the company email. You can read them slowly."

Seeing that he was so confident, all the surprise in Father Song's heart suddenly turned into anger.

He pointed at Song Yan and scolded him: "You wicked son, look at me..."

He picked up a wooden stool next to the coffee table and slammed it on Song Yan.

Song Yan not only did not evade but stood up to meet him, pointed to his left leg, and said, "Dad, you are on the right side. Hit me here. I've broken a leg anyway. If you want to do it, you'll have to be a little harder. Don't let me have a chance to recover."

Father Song's movements were stagnant, and he almost didn't slow down in a single breath.

Mother Song hurried over to protect Song Yan behind her, crying: "Old man, you can't be crazy. Our son's leg has just healed. If you let him have another shortcoming, my Bodhisattva won't forgive you. No, forget it, I'm going to die in front of you!"

"" Father Song was trembling with anger, "Hui Ming! The Xia family has two sons. Even if the second child is gone, they will not lose; but we only have this son. If he walks this way, what will you tell our Song ancestors in the future!"

Mother Song turned her head and shook Song Yan's hand and said, "My son, Mama's begging you, you can't watch our Song family bloodline end, right?"

Song Yan sighed and said, "Dad, Mom, what age are you now? Why are you still clinging to these old ideas? Now that science and technology are so advanced, I will give you a dozen children and make sure to keep all of them. With our Song's blood, as long as you don't interfere with my marriage, you can talk about anything."

Mother Song: "I've heard of the technique you mentioned but children born like this always feel weird. After all, they are not the same as those born to decent parents."

Song Yan asked in return: "Could it be that the children born from a marriage without affection are normal? Disagreements between the husband and wife will affect the child's physical and mental health. Using children as a bargaining chip to slander each other, the damage to the children will only be more serious."

Mother Song was speechless when he refuted. She looked at Father Song as if asking for help.

Father Song breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Your mother and I didn't agree as soon as we met but only after we got married. We've been here for so many years. We won't ask your marriage to bring benefit to our family but at least the other party must be a girl. The ridiculous thing between you and Xia Lin has long been a joke of other people during dinner. I don't know where to put my face in front of those old friends."

Song Yan looked at Father Song in silence for a long while, then bowed respectfully to him.

Father Song was a little confused for a while.

"I'm sorry, Dad." Song Yan said, "This is indeed my fault but the rumors have arisen. Trying to cover it up will only attract more people to watch us and Xia Lin with the mood of watching a good show."

Grandpa Song suddenly said: "Listening to what you said, it seems that you have planned it already?"

"In recent years, we have been cooperating frequently with the Xia family and we have won their interests. Many people have been jealous. They have tried every way to find opportunities to provoke our cooperative relationship. Nowadays, same-sex love is not uncommon. There are a lot of rumors but behind the scenes, they want to take this opportunity to humiliate us and force the two sides to turn their back on each other. If the cooperation breaks down, they can profit."

"Actually, the Xia family heard these rumors earlier than you guys but Brother Liang is a kind person. The reason why they stay hidden is not because they think that losing Xia Lin is not important, but because Brother Liang loves his younger brother and is willing to make a choice for Xia Lin."

"This time, before I came to City D, I had a few private talks with Brother Liang. Brother Liang's attitude is very clear. As long as our family is willing to accept Xia Lin, the cooperative relationship between the Song family and the Xia family will be more stable. The blueprint for development will also be broader. This is actually beneficial and harmless to the Song family."

"As for our face or something, our Song family has been ridiculed anyway, so what? The more people who laugh loudly, the more they'll want to destroy the relationship between our two families. It won't be as they wish. I'll invite everyone to join my and Xia Lin's wedding and establish a long-term cooperation agreement between Song and Xia Family in front of everyone. When the time comes, see if they can laugh at the banquet."

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