5. The condition...

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Xiao Zhan was dumbfounded at the Alpha's words. He couldn't risk opening his mouth and say something offensive so he stayed quiet waiting for the Alpha to elaborate. "You came here with confidence. Obviously, you have done your homework on me. I don't have a mate and now that I am an Alpha, I am in need of one. So, if you get me an Omega, your pack will have an alliance with mine, automatically. An alliance with no limitations". Wang Yibo had made it sound like a mathematical equation but Zhan was no fool. "What's the catch?", he asked straight away and Yibo smirked at him. "You clearly aren't as dumb as I thought", Wang Yibo threw him an arrogant look but Zhan refused to give him a reaction. Wang Yibo wanted to rile him up for his entertainment but Zhan refused to make a fool of himself. "You are a capable Alpha. You can provide an omega with anything they might want. You can surely find one yourself yet, you are asking me to arrange one for you. It doesn't take a genius to figure out you aren't looking for a simple mating", reasoned Zhan.

"You are right. I want an Omega but just for namesake", agreed Wang Yibo and Zhan brushed his forefinger over his nose considering his options. "So you need someone to pretend to be your mate. That can be arranged. For how long?". If this was all the young Alpha wanted, this wasn't going to be as tough as Zhan initially thought. He looked over at Yibo who was looking at him with a strange face but Zhan ignored it. He stood up and held his hand out to Yibo. The guy stood up as well but rather than taking Zhan's hand, he stuffed his hands into his pockets. The guy was a few inches taller than Zhan and it irked Zhan a little. Xiao Zhan was a lean guy but Yibo was all muscle and along with that height, Zhan thought he was at a disadvantage. "Aren't you a businessman yourself? How can you finalise a deal without knowing all of the terms?", again the tone was teasing and Zhan got flustered. He pursed his lips and quietly waited for Wang Yibo to continue, getting irritated when he received a 'good boy' look from him. Zhan clenched his fists to refrain himself from punching the smug bastard.  "The mating won't be a farce. I want an Omega I can mark as mine. The Omega will have a rightful place by my side but-", Wang Yibo stopped talking and Zhan burst out in annoyance. " Stop being a jerk and just tell me the fucking condition." Wang Yibo frowned at his tone and Zhan had the urge to smack himself. He was trying his utmost to be patient but this guy was getting on his nerves with those arrogant smirks and unfinished sentences. "The Omega won't have any rights over me", finished Yibo and Zhan's mouth hung open at the absurd condition. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? ", he asked genuinely perplexed and Wang Yibo looked him dead in the eye saying, "I will not be bound to my omega. We will have our own lives. He will have all the privileges of being my mate but-"  "He won't have you, his own mate", whispered Zhan. Wang Yibo nodded at him and that is when Xiao Zhan realised why Wang Yibo was called cold and ruthless. He gave out a hollow laugh and wiping his face down with his hand he spoke again.

"Correct me if I am wrong but you want me to find an omega who is ready to get marked by you knowing that you will neither care nor love him or her. That it will be strictly business. And let me guess, the reason you are choosing an Omega is that they can be easily manipulated. Clearly an Alpha or Beta won't agree to this insanity." Zhan wasn't expecting an answer and Wang Yibo's nonchalant shrug pissed Zhan off. "You aren't even ashamed? Don't you know how twisted this is?", Xiao Zhan raised his voice and Wang Yibo wasn't happy with his tone. A moment later, Xiao Zhan was slammed against a wall with Wang Yibo's dark eyes glaring at him. A strong hand collared his throat and Xiao Zhan growled at that. The Alpha in him refused to submit and he snarled at the Alpha in front of him, challenging him. Wang Yibo's eyes flashed golden and Zhan growled low. "Don't push me, Zhan. You won't like it if I lose control", came Yibo's hoarse voice and Zhan froze completely.
All of a sudden, he was aware of how Wang Yibo's body was plastered against his. Wang Yibo was standing too close. That spicy cedar wood scent filled his lungs making Zhan dizzy. He could hear Yibo breathing heavily beside his ear and Zhan bit back a moan, willing himself to calm down. His breath came in short pants but he still gathered the strength to push Wang Yibo away. He shoved hard at the muscular chest and took a deep breath only when the man was on the other side of the room. Zhan couldn't control his body around Wang Yibo and it was pissing him off. "You keep your hands to yourself or I am going to rip them off your body, Wang Yibo", he scowled at Wang Yibo while the Alpha just glared at him as if hoping Zhan to burst into flames.

Between the both of them, Yibo composed himself first taking a seat again. "Ten days. I will give you ten days to find me an Omega. If you fail to do this, your pack can kiss the alliance goodbye", he said harshly. Zhan still hadn't wrapped his mind around what had happened when suddenly Yibo called for his assistant and without a glance at Zhan, started barking orders. "Walk Mr.Xiao out. Gather everyone in the conference room. I got a new proposal, I want everyone's input."  Zhan fixed his shirt and got ready to leave when Yibo spoke behind him. "Jili, go and tell Jiyang that if he hacks into our systems again and pulls a stunt like this, he won't have a pair of hands anymore." Zhan turned around at the cold words and found Yibo sneering at him. "What? You thought someone would hack into my system, make a false appointment and I wouldn't find out?  Walk Mr. Xiao out, Jili. I don't have all day." Zhan's frown deepened at the harsh words but without making a fuss he walked out of Wang Yibo's office, finding Yubin outside. He must have appeared shaken because Yubin was at his side in a blink. "It's ok. I handled it", Zhan reassured Yubin and with a hand eased the frown lines on Yubin's forehead. "Let's go home", he said softly and left Wang Securities without a backward glance.

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