30. He will never love you..

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Haoxuan didn't even see Wang Yibo move. One moment, Wang Yibo was standing away from Chuyue listening to his crazy words with a frown on his face and the next instant he was halfway across the room, pinning Chuyue to the wall. The veins on Yibo's hand bulged as he strangled Peng Chuyue but his face gave away nothing. There was nothing on his face but Haoxuan knew Yibo had finally lost control. Yibo's anger never burned, it became ice. Cold, hard and frigid. Haoxuan wanted to stop Yibo but he couldn't make that mistake. Yibo had slipped into his "ice zone" and everyone who knew Wang Yibo was familiar with the fact that they were not to say anything, not to move anything and definitely not to stop Wang Yibo when Yibo lost control. The air around them was chilly and even though Wang Rong and Haoxuan had seen Yibo this way before, their spines still tingled and their wolves reached to surface to protect them. Peng Chuyue's face had started to lose its colour and he had long ago ceased fighting the iron grip on his neck. His hands were limp at his side and Xuan was sure the man's vision had gone dark. Yibo's gaze was perilous, watching patiently as the life was slowly draining out of Chuyue but just as Chuyue's eyes fluttered close and he lost consciousness, Wang Yibo loosened his hold and the man slumped on the ground his head knocking against the cold, hard floor. Wang Yibo looked over at his enforcers, looked back at the unmoving man on the ground and took a few steps back. Understanding what his Alpha wanted, Xuan proceeded with extreme caution. His eyes were downcast, his form bent at the waist as he moved slowly, making sure to show Yibo his vulnerable neck as a sign of his submission.

The Alpha vibes clogging the air around them were suffocating and both him and Rong made sure to not make any move that Yibo saw as a challenge to his authority or spiked his anger further. Xuan checked over Chuyue, letting out a relieved sigh when he felt the faint thrum of his pulse and slowly picked the man up. He had only taken a step forward when Yibo let out another feral growl and Xuan froze in his movements. He held his breath and his hair stood at the base of his neck under Yibo's gaze. Suddenly, the shrill sound of Yibo's phone echoed in the house making Yibo's enforcers stiffen further and Yibo growled before reaching into his jacket. For a few moments, Yibo merely stared at his phone and when he answered it, he was silent. Xuan stood frozen hoping it was Haikuan-ge or Yibo's uncle at the other end but it was someone else."Yibo?", Xuan picked up Zhan's gentle voice from the other end of the line and when Yibo didn't immediately go berserk, he let out a relieved sigh. Yibo walked out of the living room and Xuan vowed he was going to hug Zhan when they got back.

"Yibo? Why aren't you saying anything? Yibo, Are you there?", the soft voice penetrated the red haze surrounding Yibo and Yibo murmured a soft, "Hm." He heard the sigh on the other end followed by a question. "Is he being a problem?" The bite in that tone made Yibo's mouth twitch. "Yes." "I should've been there. I bet I could make him talk." The words brought back the dark feelings and Yibo's lips curled. "You are not going to be anywhere around him." He spoke through clenched teeth. "Fine. I won't." "Did you want anything?",grunted Yibo and heard the man say no. "No. I..I just wanted to say that...come back soon." The words were barely above a whisper, soft and shy and Yibo's features softened again. "Is my firecracker missing me?",he said leaning against the door and heard the scoff on the other end. "Don't get all cocky. The house is too big and I am bored. Bored to the extent that I had to play a chess game with your uncle. That reminds me, there is something wrong with him,Yibo. He was totally checking me out. Do you think I'm his type?" A soft chuckle left Yibo and he heard Zhan laugh with him. "Do you feel better now?",Zhan asked and Yibo's heart fluttered in his chest. "I am. I will be back soon. Wait for me, Zhan-Zhan." He heard the faint "okay" and disconnected the call, walking back to the living room, feeling a lot more humane.

In the living room, Peng Chuyue had come around with the help of the water jug in Haoxuan's hand. The coursing need to eliminate Chuyue had calmed down in Yibo and his Omega was the reason. Zhan's voice had grounded him and Yibo sat before the tied man with ease, his features no longer cold but rather a calm look on his face. Chuyue flinched as soon as he saw Yibo and the fear in his eyes was so profound, it was pitiful. "Will you answer my questions now, Chuyue? I admit my control slipped for a moment, I just get sensitive where my Omega is concerned." Chuyue shivered in front of Wang Yibo and Yibo wondered if it was him or the water that had the effect on Chuyue. "You are insane", croaked Chuyue and Yibo smirked. "I've heard worse from better." "D-Does Zhan know he is around a monster? Or did you hide it from him,Yibo?",Chuyue was trying to rile him up but Yibo wasn't going to lose it now. "He does. He understands me and that's enough." Chuyue's head hung low but he couldn't hide his disappointment and Yibo rubbed salt to his wounds. "It must hurt", he spoke and Chuyue's head shot up at his words. "Zhan never really treated you as a lover, did he? He told me how you guys hung out but there weren't many romantic dates. He refused to fuck you and I can see why. It must hurt to love someone to the verge of insanity only to find out that the person never felt the same." Chuyue's features hardened at his words and Yibo continued. "You are going to tell me about Zhang Wei's plans, I should return the favor. It feels incredible, Peng Chuyue. His feather-light touches, the way he pulls me closer, the way he sulks, his tantrums. It feels amazing to be his lover." Chuyue's eyes filled with despair at his words and even though his reaction made Yibo pleased, his face remained blank. When Chuyue's gaze met Yibo's, Yibo saw something more in those eyes, something akin to pity and it was directed to Yibo.

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