45. Avenge me...

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Zi Yi opened her eyes and slowly sat up holding her head. She had overdone it. The pounding in her head was the sign of that. She rubbed her throbbing temples and suddenly a glass of water was placed in her hands. She looked up and saw it was Zhuocheng. "Thanks", she rasped and became uneasy when the man sat closely beside her. "How do you feel now?", came his deep voice and Zi Yi's heart flipped at the concern in his tone. "Better." Goosebumps rose on her skin and a shiver ran through her at the sensation of being so close to her mate. "You are cold. I will get you something to warm up." Before she could decline the offer the Alpha was already out of his seat and poof! Gone. She couldn't stop the sigh of disappointment that left her lips. "I guess the shivers have nothing to do with the cold and everything to do with the Alpha." Zi Yi's head snapped to the young woman she had seen with Yubin and Zi Yi took a moment to carefully observe her. "I am Zhuo Xuan but people here call me A-Qing." The young woman was fiddling with her thumbs and was nervous which Zi Yi pointed out. "You don't have to be nervous because of me", Zi Yi found herself saying and A-Qing gave her a bright smile. "I am nervous because I want you to like me. I am Yubin's mate. I kinda found out today. When he was in pain..it just clicked." As the dots finally connected in her brain, Zi Yi gave A-Qing a small smile. "Don't be nervous. It doesn't matter if I like you or not." "Of course it does!" Zi Yi's brows touched her hairline at the woman's outburst. "You are Yubin's family. You are important to him and he cares for you. It matters if you like me or not." Zi Yi gave A-Qing a real smile but it had a hint of bitterness to it. "I wish it was true but it's not. Though I will tell you that I like you. I am happy you care for him. Does he treat you well?",she found herself questioning A-Qing but it was someone else who answered. "If I don't, will you play the elder sister card and threaten me to be good to her?" Yubin walked into the room and Zi Yi moved her eyes away from him, tears burning her eyelids. Yubin sat before her and tentatively reached out for her hand before firmly grasping it.

"Grandma and third uncle told me everything. They said you ran away with me and left me at the Jiang territory. They said you went back for them but it was too late. Mom and dad were gone and Qishan was already burnt to ashes. They said you didn't abandon me. They said you protected them and me all this while and endured the ill treatment of the Wens all alone. They said you had to stay away from me and Zhoucheng because the Wens threatened you. They said you care for me and love me. Was it true, Zi Yi?" Zi Yi saw the glistening tears in her brother's eyes and looked away but her brother questioned her once again. "Is it true, Jie?" The tears she had tried to blink away rolled freely from her cheeks and that was the answer Yubin needed. He hugged his sister tightly and sobbed on her shoulder. The pent-up pain and anger vanished when she patted his shoulder and said everything was fine now. They had lost so much already. "It will be fine now, Jie. You have a chance to be happy. A-Cheng will take good care of you." Zi Yi smiled at her brother's words but in her heart she knew the truth. There was too much hate and anger between her and Zhuocheng. She didn't think they would ever get past their differences. She was about to say the words but stopped when she heard her mate's voice. "Don't worry, Yubin. I will keep your sister happy. And if she ever tries to leave me again, I will chase her down and make her mine all over again."

Yibo woke up to the feeling of someone softly caressing his face and he moaned carelessly burrowing deeper into his warm pillow. It was only when the pillow shook a little that he snapped out of his sleep and opened his eyes. "Hi", he heard the soft whisper and saw Zhan smiling brightly at him. "Hi", Yibo found himself saying, his throat clogged with emotions and tears blurring his vision. A lone tear fell from his eyes and Zhan wiped it away rising up to kiss Yibo's nose. "How do you feel?", Yibo asked Zhan checking up on his injuries and Zhan hugged him tight as tears filled his eyes. "I thought I wouldn't see you again", he said hoarsely and Yibo rubbed his back, kissing the side of his head softly. "I am sorry I was too late. I am so fucking sorry, Zhan-Zhan." Zhan pulled back and frowned at the guilt and shame he saw on Yibo's face. "N-No. It wasn't your fault. It was Zhang Wei and Xinyan. Don't you dare take blame for their deeds." Saying the words, Zhan hugged Yibo again unaware of the bomb he had just dropped on his mate. "Xinyan?", Yibo questioned dangerously freezing in Zhan's arms and Zhan looked up at him realising his mate didn't know. "She was here when the vampire took me. She let him in, Yibo." Yibo's eyes widened at Zhan's words and he shook with uncontrollable anger, his eyes glowing a bright yellow. Zhan felt the prick of Yibo's claws on his lower back and before he could do anything, Yibo had shifted right in their room. "Yibo!", he shouted the Alpha's name but the wolf growled louder, the sound making Zhan shiver. It must have been his voice that drew everyone's attention because moments later, the doors to his room were opened and half of the pack was standing outside their eyes wide as they took in the scene before them. Yibo's wolf snarled before taking a threatening step towards the door and Zhan shouted, "Step back, everyone! Fuck! Yibo, come here", Zhan's voice was softer towards the end and the black wolf turned to him, his gaze vacant as if he didn't recognize Zhan.

"Why the hell is Yibo behaving this way?", asked Jiyang sharply and Zhan told them what had happened minutes ago. "Xinyan!!" The pack members gasped and curses flew in the air. "No wonder he is this way", muttered Xuan and Rong looked to Zhan.  "Zhan, Yibo is angry right now. His wolf might go feral any instant. He was holding onto his anger for so long but knowing that one of his own wolves was responsible for your condition...maybe you should come out." "Yibo won't harm him, Rong", said He Di with anger but Rong was adamant. "Look at him, Hedi. His control is already hanging by a thin thread. If anything happens to Zhan, Yibo will kill himself!" The words shut everyone up and they softly asked Zhan to come out. "He is right, Zhan", said Zhuocheng and Zhan looked over to Yibo's wolf who was snarling at him. A chill ran down his spine and Zhan got up from the bed but to everyone's shock he slowly crawled to the wolf on his knees, keeping his eyes trained on Yibo. "Fucking shit! Zhan!! Do as you are told. Zhan!!" Zhuocheng's words had no effect and Zhan got closer to the wolf softly calling his name. "Hey, big guy. Remember me? We met by the brook." The wolf's lips curled and Zhan stopped immediately. The black monstrosity took a step closer to him and Zhan sat back on his heels letting his mate come to him. The growls could still be heard but slowly the wolf got closer to Zhan and circled his form. Zhan raised his hand to caress the wolf's head and when the wolf sat behind him, Zhan heard the low whistles escaping the pack members. Zhan was sitting on his heels and Yibo's wolf was snarling at his pack members from behind him, the bushy tail curled around Zhan and there was nothing else in the shifter world that screamed "under protection" more than Yibo's gesture. "These assholes will give us a heart attack one day",grumbled Wang Rong and everyone laughed. "You gave me a scare, Yibo." Zhan pouted and the wolf whined softly before nosing Zhan's hand. Zhan turned around and saw the wolf staring at him and Zhan curled an arm around its neck. "I am fine. I am safe. Thank you for coming for me." The wolf growled in satisfaction and a few moments later, Wang Yibo was with him panting and simmering with rage. "Yibo", Zhan started only for Yibo to cut him off with a finger on his lips. "I will kill her for what she has done. She betrayed you. Betrayed me. I almost lost you because of her. Xuan! Hunt her down and get her to the dungeon. I want her bleeding when I get there." Yibo's command rang loud in the room followed by Xuan's "Yes, Alpha". The others went in to join the hunt leaving their Alpha pair alone and Yibo picked Zhan up in his arms before putting him to bed again.

"I sent you away from me right into their hands. It kills me..kills me to know that I did this to you, Zhan. Only if I hadn't been such a bastard that day and listened to you...I should have come with you that day. It's all because of me...I did this....I DID!!!" "Yibo, no....Yibo!!" Zhan tried to reach Yibo but the man pulled away. Yibo fisted his hair in his hands and Zhan could only think of one way to distract his Alpha and he kissed him. He poured everything he had into his touch and Yibo held him tighter. Their lips were fused together as they sucked and licked into each other's mouth. Zhan's lungs burned with lack of air in them and he pulled away gasping loudly. "Don't you dare blame yourself, Wang Yibo. You can't blame yourself. If you want to do something...then avenge me. Punish the people who wronged me." Yibo's eyes burned with fire in them and Zhan kissed his mate again and this time his touch was gentler, softer. "I fought them, you know. I fought them hard and I told them that if I died, my Yibo will come for them. I saw their gazes flicker with apprehension and I smiled knowing that they feared you. You won't let your mate's words go waste, will you? I wasn't wrong when I said that you will hurt the ones that hurt me, was I?" "They won't live to see another day." Yibo growled and Zhan placed his forehead over Yibo's. " I love you, Yibo. I won't leave you this easily. I will stay with you in this lifetime and then be your fated one in the next. You will never be free of me, Wang Yibo." "Never again will I let you out of my sight. I will be with you every minute of the day and no one will touch you again. I love you too much, Zhan. You can't ever leave me", Yibo whispered against his lips and Zhan kissed his claiming bite on Yibo's neck. "I won't. So, let's go kick some ass now, shall we?"

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