21. An angry Alpha...

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"Such a loser." Zhan merely raised an eyebrow at the woman's words, telling her silently to back down but the woman was clearly on a roll today. "The Luos have lost their minds. First, your pack member had the audacity to fool us and now to compensate for it they sent someone like you? What the hell is wrong with you people?" Zhan stared at the woman before him taking in her straight hair, killer body and cute outfit. It was a shame the woman was a nut. "Hey! I am talking to you." She pointed at Zhan with her index finger, a little flustered because Zhan wasn't responding to her taunts. Zhan let out a deep sigh and turned to her with an innocent look on his face.  "I know. I can understand you are deeply hurt but in my defense, Yibo is crazy. He brought me here, even though I refused. Seriously girl, the things your Alpha will do for a good fuck. He is a little shallow I must say." Zhan smiled at her when her face turned red in anger. "Who wants to fuck you? He took pity on you and it was a one time thing. Once he realises you aren't good enough for him, he will send you away", she fumed and Zhan smiled darkly at her in return. "So how about we gag that mouth of yours till that happens?" She was going to burst a vein but what else was she expecting by confronting Zhan? He might be a half-Omega but he was an Alpha too. Did she think he would cower away in fear given his Omega nature? "A-Qing, please be an angel and stuff these leftovers in this woman's mouth. She is clearly having a breakdown because her pack's Alpha isn't a virgin anymore." After saying the words he added a thanks to A-Qing for the breakfast and asked Yubin to come along. This could all wait. He wanted to know what the hell was wrong with his friend today.

"WHAT???" Zhan screamed excitedly and Yubin had to cover his ears. He had expected this reaction from Zhan but still didn't plug his ears in time. "Yes. I found out today." Zhan was so happy for his friend he couldn't hold his tears back. Yubin had found her. The woman made for him. "I feel less guilty for dragging you here now." He confessed softly and saw the panic on Yubin's face. "No, Zhan-Zhan. You know I wouldn't have it any other way. I would have never let you come here alone. I would have come regardless of your decision. Finding her here was a good coincidence." A good coincidence? This guy called finding his true mate a good coincidence? "Aiyo! Yubin. So unromantic. How will you woo our little A-Qing if you are this way?" , Zhan groaned and Yubin smiled shyly. "So are you going to tell her?",Zhan questioned and frowned when Yubin shook his head. "She doesn't feel the pull yet. I-I don't want her to feel pressured. I am barely sane myself after realising who she is to me." Zhan smiled at the look of adoration framing Yubin's face and was really happy for his friend. Holding himself back from going after his true mate must be hard but Yubin was ready to endure it all for A-Qing's comfort. This was what he loved about Yubin. He was so gentle and caring, A-Qing was lucky to have him. "Must be magical, finding your  true mate", he said carelessly and a look of guilt came on Yubin's face. "Zhan. I- I am sorry", he said helplessly and Zhan punched his shoulder, hard. "Don't be stupid. I am happy for you and yes I admit, a little envious. But, above everything I am ecstatic that you found her, Yubin. You have been alone all this while. Finally someone can take care of you too." His friend had spent his entire life making sure Zhan was safe and sound, Zhan was happy someone could take care of Yubin in the future. "If you want me to talk to uncle regarding the blood ritual, I will. You should focus more on her." The glare Yubin sent his way after his suggestion had a chill running down Zhan's spine. Yubin could be really scary when he wanted. "It's not going to happen. Don't say shit like this again, Zhan. You aren't just a job. You know that." Seeing that his friend was getting angry he immediately gave him a 'puppy look' that worked on Yubin. "Sorry. Won't happen again. I just wanted you to know it was possible and you can do what you want. All of this aside, I am kind of bummed I can't tease you with the prospect of dating anymore. You had amazing responses when I asked you to go for dates." Yubin grunted at him and Zhan laughed hard. Seems like coming to the Lan pack wasn't in vain. His family was safe and now his friend had found his mate. Even if Zhan had to endure a little hardship, Zhan could be content knowing his efforts were bringing happiness to someone. He hugged Yubin congratulating him again but a low chilling growl had him flinching away from Yubin. Turning around his eyes landed on Wang Yibo. A very pissed, eyes blazing,snarling Wang Yibo.

It shouldn't have but that possessive growl went straight to his cock and had Zhan wanting to jump Yibo. Fuck. It was like Yibo had woken up a side in him that refused to stay calm when Yibo was around. "We were just talking, Yibo", he said smiling but Yibo wasn't appeased. "Talking shouldn't have required you hugging him." The cold tone was accusatory and the desire to fuck Wang Yibo was replaced with the the desire to punch Wang Yibo. "Careful, Yibo. You are slipping into your 'annoy Zhan' mode, that setting will get your ass kicked by me." Yubin very carefully slipped away from near Zhan knowing all too well that Wang Yibo was jealous and a jealous Alpha was never good news. "Don't touch anyone or you won't like what happens", Yibo threatened through clenched teeth and even though Zhan's Omega instincts wanted Zhan to soothe his Alpha, the Alpha in him wanted to rip the bastard another asshole.  "That threatening tone won't work on me. I do what I want. I am wearing your mark and that is as far as I will go to placate your wolf. I won't put up with your stupid territorial episodes." Zhan turned away but a hand tugging his elbow had him crashing into Wang Yibo chest. Zhan fought the vise like grip on his waist but couldn't free himself. This useless body. Until Yibo, Zhan had never thought of himself as weak. Fucking full blood Alpha strength. "Let go, Yibo." He warned but the man behind him was way more pissed than Zhan. "Don't walk away from me. I will be as possessive as I want, Xiao Zhan. So when I say you don't touch anyone else, you don't touch anyone else." "Do you even hear yourself? You are overdoing your fake 'care for your mate' shit, Wang Yibo", Zhan yelled and the air around them became colder and Xiao Zhan realized that Wang Yibo was responsible for it. The hair at the base of his neck rose but Zhan didn't make a move. Very slowly Zhan was turned into Yibo's embrace and when Zhan looked at Yibo, an icy cold mask was on Yibo's face. His eyes were vacant without any emotion, his face was eerily calm and Zhan decided this was why people were afraid of Wang Yibo. He had seen this gaze directed at him at the cafe with En Jie before but Zhan could see that Yibo had held back before. This time there was nothing on that face, absolutely nothing and that made Zhan uneasy. The arms around his waist got tighter until he was flush against Yibo but the man still didn't react. Zhan wanted to scream at the man for being so cold but couldn't understand why was Yibo so angry? Zhan had stated the obvious. Didn't this man say he wasn't going to care for his Omega and all that other load of bullshit? So, why be so nice to Zhan when he had told Zhan he was not going to be good to his Omega?

A hand made its way up to Zhan throat and collared it. Zhan's eyes turned cold and he snarled but the man before him was not fazed. "Listen here and listen well, Xiao Zhan", began Wang Yibo in a tone Zhan had never heard before. Zhan's body tensed under Yibo's hands but there were no soothing touches to calm Zhan this time. Only coldness. Yibo could freeze oceans with that demeanor, that's how ice-cold he was. "I might have overlooked a few things so I will make them clear now. You belong to me, Xiao Zhan. I don't give two fucks about what led you here or what you think this is but my mark on that neck and my gut says you are mine. I don't like other people coveting what's mine. If someone looks at you the wrong way, I will gouge his eyes out. If someone touches you, those hands will be broken. When I say keep distance with your friend, it is because I know you care for him and wouldn't like it if I killed him. You might not see it yet, but this is as real as it gets. So as you stand here and mock me for my possessive ways and over the top caring, I will treat you this way because this is how an Alpha treats his Omega."  Zhan knew his face must be a shade of pink after hearing those words. Fuck, this man was intense! Every word of his had Zhan melting in his arms and Zhan had no control over it. All he knew was that he wanted Wang Yibo, right now. "Yibo. We need to leave, right now. Otherwise I will tear your clothes apart with my teeth right here and the entire pack will see us fucking in the garden. Your wolf won't like that." The words had the ice in those dark eyes melting and Yibo almost dragged Zhan by his hand back to the house. The pack members in the hall had all gone silent seeing their Alpha in his "Ice Zone" and even though they wished to, they couldn't intervene. They only hoped the Alpha went easy on his  mate. "Aiyo! I hope Yibo-ge calms down. With the looks of it, Zhan-ge won't be able to walk tomorrow." The sad voice of A-Qing echoed in the Hall and the wolves all left the table, minding their own business.

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