37. We will meet again...soon

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Yibo woke up to the feeling of something soft brushing over his mouth and unconsciously a smile made its way on his lips. He opened his eyes and saw his firecracker first thing in the morning and an immense amount of adoration made home in his heart. He could get used to this. If this was the sight he woke up to everyday for the rest of his life, Wang Yibo would be the happiest man on the planet. "Happy birthday", Zhan whispered against his lips and Yibo gathered the man into his arms, burrowing himself into the other. The familiar heady scent of vanilla and dark chocolate filled his lungs and Yibo licked his lips eager for a taste. His tongue laved at the smooth neck and he felt his mate shiver into his arms but all too soon he was pushed away. "No funny business", scolded Xiao Zhan and just like that Yibo's happy face transformed into an ugly, sulking one.  "Why not?",he grumbled trying to kiss his firecracker but was refused again! What the fuck! "Don't get angry...calm down. Such a grumpy birthday boy." "You aren't letting me be a happy, sated birthday boy so angry and grumpy it is", retorted Yibo with a scowl making his mate laugh. "If I told the others that the formidable, scary Wang Yibo is getting cranky because he isn't getting his morning round of sex, people might laugh their heads off thinking I am crazy. I will have more luck convincing people that eggplants aren't meant to be eaten." The disgust of the man's face was clear as day and Yibo found himself smiling at his mate's crazy antics. "You do realise eggplants are actually good, right?", he suggested and Zhan scoffed. "They are not. Everything about them is a warning. That ominous colour...weird shape...the awful taste", the man shuddered visibly and Yibo laughed.

He dived in for a kiss and before Zhan could push him away, he pinned Zhan's hands above his head and feasted on the mouth he loved so much. "Never going to get enough", he muttered softly staring at the pink, shiny mouth. "You should stop before your uncle comes in. The guy already fantasizes about me, I don't want him getting more ideas." Yibo shook his head and got off Zhan's body, finding out that his mate was already dressed up. He raised his brows at Zhan who gave him a smile. "I have been busy with planning the party. I couldn't go down there looking well fucked, could I?" Yibo grunted his agreement before pulling on a t-shirt. "You didn't have to do all this, Zhan. I am 29, I don't need a birthday party." "Everyone needs a birthday party and our pack needs it more than anyone else. I just thought everyone has been on their toes because of that stupid Zhang Wei, we could let loose and have fun finally. Wait..Why are looking at me like that?", Zhan looked at Yibo confused who was staring at him with a soft smile. The man pulled Zhan to his chest, squeezing him in his arms. "You said "our pack". " Because it is. My pack. My home and my mate." Zhan kissed the man again and ushered the man to the bathroom. "I have to pick something up from the mall. I will take A-Yang and Yubin with me. Will be back in an hour and half." Before Yibo could say 'no', Zhan shut the door and left the bedroom, texting Jiyang on his way.

"So you are telling me that you and Yibo have decided to stay together?", Jiyang asked the question with a broad smile on his face and Zhan felt his face turn pink.  The two of them had decided to get a coffee after the shopping spree Zhan had gone on. He had bought Yibo a special gift, some clothes and other things. They were just talking about him and Yibo when Zhan told Jiyang about the news. Taking in the broad grin on Jiyang's face, Zhan was getting a little flustered. "Yes...I mean we are already mated. I don't understand what the big deal is." Zhan muttered the words with a straight face, willing himself to not blush. This wasn't the first time he had turned pink while telling someone that he and Yibo were in love. Damn. He had been living with the guy for over two months but still the talks of them spending their lives together had Zhan acting like a newlywed bride. He was smiling like a fool when alone and according to Yubin, he gazed at Yibo with 'heart eyes'. It was unacceptable. He was a grown man. He wasn't supposed to behave like a teenager who had found his first love. "It is a big deal because the Xiao Zhan I know isn't someone who would hand his heart over to someone else this easily. I know you since you were a kid, Zhan. You talked about finding your true mate all the time. It's just surprising that you are willing to forget all about it for that deranged ice block." "Hey! Yibo isn't deranged." Zhan jumped to Yibo's defense and Jiyang cackled like a hyena.  "Damn! Rein in the claws, Zhan-Zhan. I am just kidding. So you are sure Yibo is the one? The one you want to be with for the rest of your life?" Jiyang gave Zhan an expectant look and Zhan smiled bright, letting his friend see just how happy he was. "He is. I know you feel that this is out of character for me but I love him, Jiyang. I am aware that Xinyue was his fated one but that doesn't mean that I undermine our bond. She might have been what Yibo needed back then. I am what he wants now and for the rest of his life. That's more than enough for me." "And if he breaks your heart?", asked Jiyang and Zhan shrugged a shoulder. "I gave Yibo the power to crush me to pieces the moment I told him I loved him but I can't let that fear hold me back. I trust Yibo. I know that he genuinely cares for me. He will never hurt me intentionally. I didn't see it before but I see it now, A-Yang. Wang Yibo loves me with everything he is just like I do. I had a misconception that this kind of trust and connection could only happen between mates. I am glad I was wrong." Zhan was smiling by the end of his words and Jiyang looked at him with tears in his eyes. "I am happy for you, Zhan-Zhan. If there's someone who deserves all the love and happiness in this world, it's you. Yibo will be good for you." Zhan smiled bright and raised his cup to Jiyang's saying, "To our happily ever afters."  "To our happily ever afters", repeated Jiyang clinging their cups.

"If you guys are done buying shit and sharing feelings can we head back?", interrupted Yubin looking annoyed.  "Aiyo Yubin-ge! Are you feeling left out? Should I give you tips to win A-Qing over?", teased Jiyang and Yubin's ears turned red. Zhan noted that the man didn't say no to Jiyang's offer. "Why are you so tensed, Yubin? We are almost done", said Zhan rolling his eyes only for Yubin to give him a wide-eyed look. "What has me tensed? Who else can it be except for your mate. The Alpha has called me four times over the last hour and his chilling voice only asks a single question, "How much longer?". Yubin even tried to imitate Yibo's serious voice and Jiyang was laughing hard holding his stomach. "Fuck. That was so Yibo", the man said between laughs and Zhan shook his head picking up the bags from beside him, his lips curled in a smile. "Let's leave. The last thing I want is the psychopath coming here and telling me that "I am keeping his kitten from him". "Oh, come on. Haoxuan likes you, Zhan." Zhan theatrically gasped at his friend's words, clutching his heart. Jiyang laughed at him and the trio left the mall for the parking lot teasing and laughing. They had almost reached their car when Yubin stopped all of a sudden and Zhan moved Jiyang behind him knowing something was wrong. "What's happening?", said Jiyang lowly and Zhan looked over to Yubin who had a hard look on his face motioning them to get in the car. "Jiyang..move slowly to the car. Keep your eyes and ears open", instructed Zhan to which Jiyang nodded. Jiyang got inside the car and Zhan and Yubin moved next only for four vampires to jump out of nowhere. "Zhan!", exclaimed Yubin before tackling one of the vamps to the ground, his claws digging into the creature. The other two joined their partner and attacked Yubin together. Zhan watched the last vamp get closer to him and when he got a chance, he lunged with his claws out, taking the man down. Fangs out, the vamp twisted them around and Zhan trapped the bastards neck into his hands from beneath, pulling at it with all his might. Sharp nails dug into his side as the vamp tried to free himself and soon enough Yubin tore the man off Zhan, snapping the fucker's neck.

"Are you okay?", enquired Yubin panting and Zhan nodded his head knowing who was responsible for this. A pair of footsteps came up behind them and Zhan turned around to see a man almost his age clad in a classy suit, his hair styled perfectly and a smile on the man's lips. One sniff was all it took for Zhan to find out that the man was another vampire and from the looks of it, he was the boss. "It's good to know you aren't a weakling. I find those kind of men boring", said the man conversationally and recognition flashed in Zhan's eyes. Yibo had shown Zhan a picture of the man and Zhan's body went on full alert, recognising the danger before him. "I am Zhang Wei. You must be Xiao Zhan." The words were extremely polite but Zhan's hair were rising on the base of his neck, his wolf instincts screaming that the vampire was bad news. "I am assuming this little showdown wasn't because you wanted me to see your new suit." The man laughed at Zhan's words but Zhan wasn't a fool. This guy was trying to scare Zhan and treating him like a prey. Zhan knew all about these stupid games and if this bastard thought Zhan was going to beg him to let them go, the guy was out of his mind. "My men told me you were an interesting man. They weren't wrong." "And Yibo told me you were an asshole, he wasn't wrong either." Zhang Wei smiled darkly at Xiao Zhan and in a flash was right in front of him. Yubin stepped forward immediately and blocked Zhang Wei from reaching Zhan, his claws out and growls loud in the parking lot. "Relax. I am not here to hurt you. I just wanted to see the man who has Yibo wrapped around his fingers and wanted to get to know him. Let's meet again soon, Xiao Zhan. I will see you very soon." With inhuman speed the man was gone and Zhan slumped against the car, sweat beading on his forehead. Yubin lifted Zhan's shirt to see the marks on his side and Zhan assured him he was okay. "Let's just go back. Jiyang must have told Xuan about this."
The words were barely out of his mouth when a familiar car came screeching in, making Zhan blurt out a, "Fucking shit."

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