38. Yibo, calm down!!

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The engine was not even off when Yibo jumped out of his car and headed straight to Xiao Zhan. The air in the parking space was tainted with the bitter scent of the vampires and Yibo snarled out loud making the people around him jump in fear. Yibo's face was a cold mask of fury and everyone knew just how pissed Wang Yibo was. The man headed straight to his mate and pulled the man in his arms growling out loud. The calming scent of his firecracker was the only thing that was holding him back from going berserk. Yibo could finally breathe easy and he tightened his hold on Zhan needing to feel his firecracker's heartbeat against his. Zhan settled into Yibo's embrace letting the Alpha scent him while the other pack members remained at a distance, giving their Alpha pair privacy. Zhan was rubbing Yibo's back trying to calm his Alpha as well as his racing heart down when Yibo's hands wound tight around his waist making him yelp. Yibo stiffened in his arms and as soon as the scent of blood hit his nose he pushed Zhan to the car making him wince. He checked Zhan over trying to find out the source of the metallic scent and the air got chilly when Yibo saw the deep marks on Zhan's pale skin. The marks were ugly and Zhan could see Yibo trembling with anger when he pulled his shirt down, wrapping his arms around his Alpha again.

"Yibo, calm down. I am fine. It isn't as bad as it looks. I am okay. Let's go home, okay?" Zhan's tone was gentle but it was as if Yibo didn't even hear his words, a dark aura surrounding him. "Hedi, take Zhan back to Lan territory. He won't leave the house until I say so." With those words, Yibo pulled away making Zhan frown. "Yibo. I am okay. Let me stay with you",Zhan suggested softly only for Yibo's to pin him with a hard gaze. "No. Go back." "Yibo, I should come with you. Don't ask me to go alone. Come with me. Yibo, atle-" "I said no, Xiao Zhan!!", Yibo bellowed into the empty parking lot making everyone in there flinch. "You are staying in the pack and your ass better stay put until I come back. Don't fucking mess with me on this, Xiao Zhan." Zhan flinched under the cold tone and his reaction had Yibo feeling like shit. Absolute shit. He never wanted to lose it like this but Zhan wasn't understanding how afraid Yibo was. He had come so close to losing his Zhan. So fucking close. Jiyang had only told them to come to the mall and that Zhang Wei was here. The scenes that had flashed in front of Yibo's eyes in the last twenty minutes were going to haunt him forever. Yibo was trying to hide his trembling hands from everyone and not everyone could see how desperate his gaze was when he looked at his firecracker. Yibo had never felt fear like he had today and he was dealing with it badly. He lashed out at the one person he shouldn't have but Yibo didn't trust himself around anyone right now. He didn't want to hurt Zhan right now. His head was a fucking mess and it was good if Zhan stayed away from him for a while. He looked over to Hedi again who gave him a short nod and opened the door to his car, silently asking Zhan to get inside. Yibo didn't meet Zhan's eyes when the man took a step closer to him. He didn't react when Zhan placed a soft kiss on his neck and hugged him. "I will wait for you. Come back soon", Zhan murmured the soft words and Yibo didn't even glance at him. He didn't look when Zhan got in the car and left him behind.

"Yibo", he heard Yubin's deep voice and the next moment Yibo was on him. He grabbed the man by the throat and slammed him into the car growling out loud, no longer hiding his wrath. "You were supposed to protect him, Yubin. How the fuck did my Zhan get injured while you are still alive. How are fuck are you still alive after Zhang Wei managed to hurt him!!!" Yubin had trouble breathing and was pulling at Yibo's hands from his throat but Yibo only snarled louder, his eyes flashing wolf. "Alpha, he can't breathe. Please, think of your mate. Let him go. " The low voice belonged to Wang Rong and Yibo threw Yubin away yelling out loud. His vision was red with rage and the need to destroy was roaring in his blood. He would destroy Zhang Wei. Yibo was so fucking done. Yibo took a few calming breaths and pulled his phone out, calling Xize. "Get your men. We are going to his hideout now." Yibo was silent for a while listening to the vampire talk and even when a look of displeasure appeared on his face, he bit out a curt, "Fine."  Haoxuan approached Yibo cautiously and picked Yubin off the ground asking him what had happened. "It was Zhang Wei. He came with a few vampires and the vamps jumped on me and Zhan. Zhang Wei told Zhan he didn't want to kill him and said something about seeing him soon. He left after that." Yibo scowled at Yubin and told Xuan that they were going back home.

Xiao Zhan walked into the familiar room turning the lights on and rubbed a hand on his face. He was so angry he could barely hold it in. The vampires, Wang Yibo, everyone was out to irk him today and Zhan let out an agitated sigh throwing his bloodied shirt on the bed. He sat on the bed with his head buried in his palms but nothing seemed to calm his racing mind. He let out a groan thinking this wasn't how he was planning for Yibo's birthday to be but clearly the heavens had different plans than him. The way Yibo had lashed out at him had Zhan coming to a conclusion. Wang Yibo didn't deal with fear well. Yibo hadn't succeeded in hiding his fear from him. Zhan could feel the man's thundering heart under his hands and could feel the desperation in the way Yibo held him. Still the man had pushed Zhan away asking him to stay in Lan territory as if he was a dog. It went against every Alpha instinct of his but Zhan was going to stay put until Yibo came back. Yibo was already mad at him and going out there would only leave him vulnerable and in danger. He remembered the killing glint in Zhang Wei's eyes and Zhan shivered at the memory. Zhang Wei could have killed Zhan tonight if he wanted to but the bastard was interested in playing games and fucking with Yibo's head. Zhan lay down on the bed and hissed when his wounds burned with the movement. The door to his room opened suddenly and Zhan found Xinyan standing at the entrance with a tray in her hands. Zhan frowned at the woman and pulled a clean shirt on not up for her games tonight.

"If you are here to tell me how I monumently fucked Yibo's birthday up then save your breath. I already know and am in no mood to hear about it from you. So please leave." Xinyan only let out a sigh and walked into the room further and Zhan could see what she was carrying clearly. "I am here because Hedi told me to give you these alcoholic wipes and ointment." Her voice was neutral but Zhan didn't trust the woman one bit. He merely asked her to leave the things on the night stand and go but the stubborn woman refused to leave. "I have something else to say. I know I was awful to you and acted stupidly but now I know that Yibo loves you...I won't create any more problems. I have even decided to leave this place. I just hope you are comfortable and happy here." Zhan couldn't figure out if the woman was being genuinely nice or just was a good actress because her words and expressions made it seem like she meant every word. Zhan didn't put his guard down around her though. "You don't have to leave this place. This is your home. If you mind your own business, I will gladly put everything behind us." Zhan did mean every word and Xinyan smiled, making her dimples pop out. "You are so good, Xiao Zhan. It's almost a pity." Her words had Zhan frowning and his hackles rising. "What's a pity?", he questioned all ready to knock the woman out if she did anything wrong. "He told you he would see you soon. He is an impatient man it seems." That was all Zhan heard when a bitter scent assaulted his senses and the world around him turned dark.

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