40. A vampire's bite...

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Zhan gathered the lifeless form in his hands and his shoulders shook as he sobbed embracing his friend. "Chuyue, wake up....Chuyue...Zhan-Zhan is here." The pale skin was so cold it was uncomfortable to touch and Zhan cried knowing that Chuyue hated the cold. Chuyue absolutely loathed it. Being a wolf meant that his body temperature was higher than others but Chuyue always complained about his hands being too cold. In hindsight, it was his trick to get Zhan to hold his hand. Zhan lifted the fingers and rubbed some heat onto them, blowing warm air softly as tears continued to roll down his face. "Chuyue...Zhan-Zhan is here. Please...wake up",the works broke down as Zhan crumbled. He held Chuyue closer to himself and cried. He cried for his best friend who always was beside him, who helped him study for his finals, who relentlessly practiced with him even after school, who brought him his favorite desserts. He cried for the man who gave him his first kiss, who held his hand everytime when they crossed roads, who wiped his mouth after they ate and who never, ever forgot to bring Zhan his favorite coffee even when the shop was seven blocks away. Zhan cried for the man who always had a smile on his face and was ready to do anything for the people he cared about. He cried for the man he had once adored and cared for above everyone else .

Zhang Wei stepped closer to the two figures on the floor and smiled when  Xiao Zhan pulled Chuyue closer to his chest, the gesture protective. "I didn't want to kill him, Zhan-Zhan", Zhang Wei started mockingly. "I had promised him that I would give you to him if everything went according to plan. But then, he told Yibo everything about my plan. Thirty of my vampires perished because of his stupidity. How could I let him go after this? I had to punish him. Unfortunately, Zihao went a little overboard and drained your lover boy dry before I could stop him. I am sorry and I hope this gives you closure. He screamed your name Xiao Zhan. Even on his last breaths it was your name on his lips and he wanted to apologize to you. I am telling you this because I feel sorry it had to end this way for him. Truly a pity. Only if-" The words were cut off as Zhan lunged on Zhang Wei screaming and punched the vamp hard across the face, his claws coming next aiming for his shoulder. Zhang Wei hadn't anticipated the wolf to be this fast and was knocked away but then his soldiers took matter in their own hands. Using their vampiric speed, the two dislocated the Omega's shoulder and a kick to the chest sent him crashing to the wall. The cracking sounds of the ribs were like music to Zhang Wei's ears and he moaned when the scent of fresh blood permeated the air. So fucking sweet.

Zhan was dizzy and the ringing in his ears refused to stop. He palmed the back of his head, felt the wetness of his blood and the scent of it made him nauseous. He righted himself against the wall and glanced at Zhang Wei with hatred in his eyes while the vamp stared at him with hunger in his. The man walked towards Zhan licking his lips and Zhan groaned when the bastard pressed hard on his chest. Zhan's breathing was heavy and uneven but he could see satisfaction on Zhang Wei's face. "Looking at your friend must have given you an idea of what I will do to you. But I promise there is more in store for you. You are special, Xiao Zhan. You won't just quench my blood thirst, you will sate me completely because each drop of your blood will represent Yibo losing to me. The Phoenix will finally lose everything dear to him and my brother will finally rest in peace. For this to happen, it's important that you die, Xiao Zhan. It's just that I can't make it easy for you. Just imagine, if one Zihao could do this to Peng Chuyue, want to guess what six vampires could do to you?" Zhang Wei laughed out loud when the wolf shuddered at his suggestion. He pulled at the dark hair and exposed the pale throat, his fangs scraping over the skin. "I will make sure you suffer Xiao Zhan. When your mate comes to my doorstep, I will tell him how much you cried out in pain. He will be so utterly broken. It's impossible to wait any longer. Zihao, call the others. Let's see how long will it take to drain this one out. Oh and by the way, feel free to scream, Zhan-Zhan." The vamp laughed again and bit into the pale skin, moaning when the blood hit his tongue and for the next two hours, blood curdling screams echoed in the empty hallway.

"The word is out. His main house and other properties are being checked. Any sign of him and we will head right in." Xize's voice was sharp and calm but only the people close to him knew that Wu Xize was on edge. The master vampire had arrived an hour ago at the Lan territory and since the moment he had seen his friend's face, Xize was on edge. Yibo was standing in the room, his face hauntingly pale, the air around him so fucking cold, no one could bear to be in the vicinity. The Wangs had given up trying to console Yibo because everytime someone had said that Zhan would be fine and they will find him, Yibo had flipped. The wrath burning in his eyes and the helplessness on his face were making everyone so uneasy, they had decided to let Yibo deal with his emotions his own way. The Alpha had slipped into his ice zone but this time no one could reach him. Xize wanted to kill Zhang Wei himself because Wu Xize knew one thing very clearly. If anything were to happen to Xiao Zhan, Yibo would destroy everything. Killing Zhang Wei wouldn't be enough for Yibo. He would annihilate anything and everything in his path because killing the people responsible wouldn't be fucking enough. If it was someone else Yibo might have stopped himself but with Xiao Zhan, Xize knew Yibo wouldn't stop himself and go on a killing spree. Wu Xize wasn't a religious man but he prayed...he prayed that they found Zhan without a scratch on him. If not, God knows what Wang Yibo would do to all of them. "Searching through all of his properties and hideouts will take hours! We don't have that kind of time", Zhuocheng gritted the words out and his father patted his son's shoulder. The Jiangs had come to the Lan pack as soon as Yubin called and were in no better shape than Yibo. The fear clouding their head made it impossible to think of a plan and everyone could only rely on Xize and Yibo.

"Did Xuan find He Peng, yet?", asked Wang Zi Teng and  Jiyang shook his head. "I called him. He isn't picking up."  Curses flew out of Zhuocheng's mouth but everyone's head turned to the kitchen when they heard a crashing sound and A-Qing's voice. "Yubin!!! Yubin!! What's happening?. Yibo-ge!..Kuan-ge!..Yubin!!!" Everyone ran towards the kitchen and found Yubin sprawled on the floor, clutching his head. The Alpha's jaw was clenched and sweat beaded on his forehead and he cried out again, his hands tearing at his hair. "Yubin!", called Jian Min and immediately picked Yubin up, carrying him out to the living room. The entire while Yubin writhed in pain and everyone stood confused because they could see no wound on the Alpha's head. "Yubin? What's happening? What hurts? Yubin?", Jian Min tried and Yubin yelled out another curse. "Fuck!!! Zhan!!Zhan!!" The name had Jian Min and Zhuocheng freezing in utter fear because the Jiang pack finally realised what was happening. "Shit!",exclaimed Zhuocheng and Xize stepped forth. "What's happening?", he asked in his deep voice and Jian Min explained. "It's his bond with Zhan. We need to hurry up. Zhan is in danger, Yibo. Their lives are tied. Something is wrong with Zhan." Low curses emerged from the people and suddenly a yelling Jiyang came into the room. "It's Xuan. It's the Wens. They are in Wen territory. They are keeping Zhan there." That was all the group of angry, pent up Alphas had to hear because they were all out of the house with that one sentence with Wang Yibo leading them.

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