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A five year old Ino was just walking home with her father, Inoichi after collecting flowers for the Yamanaka flower shop.

"Dad, this is heavy!" Ino whined, dragging her basket full of flowers.

"Do you want me to carry it for you?" Inoichi asked turning around, he had a much larger basket in his hand.

"No, I will carry it on my own. After all I want to become a strong Kunoichi." She said with determination. Inoichi sighed at this; Ino was as stubborn as her mother. The two were currently in front of the Ninja Academy, when something caught her eye."Dad, hold this. I'll be back in a minute!" She said pushing her basket and running towards the tree in front of the academy. There was a blonde boy with his head low and she could see the tears flowing down his cheeks. His eyes were hidden by his hair. She gently approached him and tapped him on his shoulder. "Why are you crying?" She asked softly.

The boy looked up and as soon as he saw her, he wiped his eyes furiously, getting rid of the tears flowing down his cheeks."No, I'm not crying. I am fine." He said giving her a fake smile. Ino knew that the smile was fake as soon as she saw it. Her father had taught her how to distinguish fake smiles from real.

"Hey, you don't have to put up that smile for me, I know its fake. Are you sad?" She asked patiently. Her father had taught her how to deal with these situations when she used to accompany him. The boy was taken aback after hearing her response. He silently nodded. She gently. "What's wrong?" She asked, slightly concerned.

The boy looked up, his azure blue eyes meeting her light blue ones. He saw concerned eyes instead of the cold hearted ones that he was used to."Why are you being so nice to me and not running away?" He asked, tilting his head a bit in confusion.

"Because I want to help you." She answered truthfully. The boy was surprised at this. No one was ever nice to him. He found something that he had lost a long time ago. Hope. He found himself wanting to tell her why he was sad and he found himself trusting her, even if they did meet minutes ago. He finally decided to tell her. "I am sad because everyone hates me; nobody wants to play with me, because I don't have any friends."He said whispering out the last bit.

Ino's gaze softened. She could see the sadness and loneliness that the eyes held."Don't worry, they are all idiots. If you want I can be your friend!" She said, sticking out her hand for a handshake. He accepted the handshake taking her small hand in his. Their hands fitted perfectly together."I'm Ino Yamanaka!" She said bringing a genuine smile to his face.

"I am Naruto Uzumaki." He responded, he felt a warm feeling inside of him.

"Oh we are going to have so much fun Naruto! Come with me, I want you to meet my dad!" She said pulling his hand and taking him to where her father was standing."Dad! I made a new friend!" She said after stopping in front of her father. Naruto was slightly scared.

"Oh, what's your name?" He asked the blonde boy.

"Na-Naruto Uzumaki."He stuttered out. He was afraid that Inoichi would also hurt him, like the other villagers. Inoichi's gaze softened a bit. He knew Minato and Kushina. Minato was a close friend of his and he wanted to adopt his child but the Civilian Council and Danzo denied his request.

"Say Naruto, would you like to join us for Ramen?" He asked with a smile on his face.

"What's ramen?" Naruto asked. He had never really eaten anything except the fruits and fish that he caught. Whenever he visited a shop to buy anything, the shopkeeper pushed him out of the shop.

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